440 examples of beheading in sentences

I, with the gentle instincts of a civilized man, was forced to order the beheading of spies and traitors, the binding of women in chains and the kidnapping of children, to raid the herds, to make of myself an Attila.

Hanging, beheading, quartering and burning were the every-day spectacles.

But the revolutionists showed forbearance; and instead of beheading Charles, as they might have done, they let him go, and punished the ministers by imprisonment only.

Now Fouché's "time" was that which is regarded as the period of universal beheading and levelling.

[Footnote 28: Scourging and beheading, scourging to death, burying alive, and crucifixion (for slaves) may make us question the justice of this boast.

The scourging and beheading of two thousand deserters had given to this false statement a plausibility which excited alarm; but no violence was offered to any of the Leontine or other soldiers after the city was taken; and every man's property was restored to him, with the exception only of such as was destroyed in the first confusion which attended the capture of the city.

The most dramatic of these was the beheading of the Duke of Buckingham in 1484.

The English obtained the permanent tenure of their "immemorial rights" only by beheading one king and banishing another.

Decollatio, or beheading, was a military punishment among the Romans.

It is worthy of remark, that in all countries where beheading and hanging are used as capital punishments, the former is always considered less ignominious.

Thus, in England, beheading is the punishment of nobles, when commoners for the same crime are hanged.

The crime of high treason is here punished with beheading.

At present, hanging is not used in that country, and since so many instances have occurred of extreme suffering, on the part of the criminal, caused by the unskilfulness of the executioner in beheading with the sword, this mode of execution has been abolished.

Beheading in Prussia is now always performed with a heavy axe, the sufferer being previously tied to a block.

In France, during the revolutionary government, beheading by means of a machine, the guillotine, came into use, and still prevails there, to the exclusion of all other modes of capital punishment.

In China, it is well known that beheading is practised, sometimes accompanied with the most studied torments.

In the United States of America, beheading is unknown, the halter being the only instrument of capital punishment.

In many European countries, beheading with the sword still prevails.

Priglashenie na kazn' (Invitation to a beheading) Installment 2-3.

It is said that it grew dry before the civil war, and again before the beheading of Charles I.; against the great scarcity of corn in 1670; and in 1679, when the miscalled Popish plot was discovered; but we do not hear that St. Hellen's Well withheld its supplies previous to, or upon, the breaking out of the last calamitous war.

The representative Lejeune solaced his leisure hours in beheading animals with a miniature Guillotine, the expence of which he had placed to the account of the nation; and so much was he delighted with it, that the poultry served at his table were submitted to its operation, as well as the fruits at his dessert!

The governor likewise wrote the History of the Rebellion in England, Scotland and Ireland; wherein the most material passages, battles, sieges, policies, and stratagems of war, are impartially related on both sides, from the year 1640, to the beheading of the duke of Monmouth 1688, in three parts, printed in octavo, in the year 1691.

The two wings representon one side, the beheading of St. John the Baptist; on the other, St. John the Evangelist, in Patmos, and the vision of the Apocalypse.

With a clean blow he drove the weapon into the flesh, and before the woman could move, he cut her throat also, almost beheading her.

And when the canaille roturière took the liberty of beheading that high noblesse, it was done less to inherit their property than their ancestry, and to introduce a noble equality in place of a vulgar inequality.

440 examples of  beheading  in sentences