15928 examples of belong in sentences

Do you belong to the British army or are you a volunteer accompanying Tryon in his raid upon our innocent and unoffending neighbors at Fairfield?

Do I belong to myself?

There is nothing left in your mind but the fact that hordes of men to whom you belong are fighting against other hordes, and your side must win.

In accordance with the supreme right of nature each man deems good, and seeks to gain, that which seems to him useful; all things belong to all, each may destroy the objects of his hate.

"Consider the senses as false witnesses in regard to the truth, but as trustworthy counselors in relation to the interests of life!"Sensation and imagination belong to the soul in virtue of its union with the body; apart from this it is pure spirit.

Under the former class belong, for example, a dozen or a score, the idea of which is composed of simple units; under the latter, running, fighting, obstinacy, printing, theft, parricide.

It is the combination of a number of simple ideas which are presumed to belong to one thing.

Truth and error belong always to affirmations or negations, that is, to (it may be, tacit) propositions.

Both mathematics and ethics, however, belong in the sphere of the demonstrative knowledge of relations.

Among the things which are not contrary to reason belong miracles, for they contradict opinion based on the usual course of nature, it is true, but not our certain knowledge; in spite of their supernatural character they deserve willing acceptance, and receive it, when they are well attested, whereas principles contrary to reason must be unconditionally rejected as a revelation from God.

And I down here, where I belong.

It was very nice that this famous general should be his uncle,but not at all strange: they were just the sort of people he must belong to.

The gas-light wakens from the shadows here and there the objects which lie scattered through the room: only faintly, though; for they belong to the open sunlight.

Only this dumb, woful face seems to belong to and end with the night.

To every age and to all nations belong their peculiar maxims and political or religious cries, which, if collected by some ingenious philosopher, would make a striking compendium of universal history.

The state apartments are unoccupied, and are kept sacred from intrusion, as the property of the nation to which they are to belong.

As in his exertions the bodily powers are especially employedsuch powers as belong to man in common with mere animalshis sphere has generally been considered low and humble.

In all the relations, duties, and privilegesin all the objects, interests, and prospects, which belong to the province of Christianity, servants were as free as their master.

And how many members belong to them in the aggregate?

Political Proscription; the Gerrymander.%One of these was the custom of turning men out of public office because they did not belong to the party in power, or did not "work" for the election of the successful candidate.

Youth and power and swiftness belong to them.

When they cut their teeth and how, together with all the &c. and ups and downs of Nursery life which large families, such as you and I belong to, go through daily.

Sometimes the birds had prevented elections, refusing to allow the offices to belong to interreges; above all the tribunes, by managing affairs in the city so that they instead of the praetors conducted games, hindered the remaining offices from being filled.

"You'll soon work out of that class and back where you belong.

"Oh, they belong to the Etat Major and are out here to verify their maps.

15928 examples of  belong  in sentences