236 examples of benumbed in sentences

Any of the three could have saved him, but the spectacle of the terrible old man's helplessness benumbed their senses and their muscles.

In its place, as shock after shock benumbed his brain, there was an expression of fierce despair.

Ah! the desperate, tearless grief of the husband, who fell upon his knees at the bedside, benumbed, annihilated, as if he also felt death's heavy hand upon him.

Milk or odor of carbolic acid, flour and water; white of mucous membrane in eggs. around mouth white and benumbed; cold and clammy skin.

In spite of the darkness my companion walked with great assurance, never hesitating for an instant, and keeping up a stiff pace which was welcome to me in my sodden and benumbed condition.

But here a mean Observe, nor the large hound prefer, of size Gigantic; he in the thick-woven covert Painfully tugs, or in the thorny brake Torn and embarrassed bleeds: but if too small, 260 The pigmy brood in every furrow swims; Moiled in the clogging clay, panting they lag Behind inglorious; or else shivering creep Benumbed and faint beneath the sheltering thorn.

No one who has never experienced it, can form an idea of how the mind is depressed and benumbed by the monotony of sea life.

A sharp pain remained in the hollow of his chest, and his left arm, benumbed, hung from his shoulder like lead.

But she did not stir, she did not speak, so benumbed was she with grief.

With the ebbing of the tide, the sea receded from the cavern; but Frank hesitated to attempt crossing the chasm again; his limbs had become stiff and benumbed, and his long abstinence had so weakened his powers that he shrank from the dangerous enterprise.

His tongue, which was terribly shattered, was still partially benumbed, rendering articulation both difficult and tiresome; but he assured us he was every day gaining more and more the use of it, and, in his own words, he was soon to be "just as good as new" It is needless to say that we were glad to see himto meet one we had never expected to encounter again in such excellent plight.

or that your right hands are benumbed?

She made a collection of all the poisons which she could procure, and administered portions of them all, that she might see which were sudden and which were slow in their effects, and also learn which produced the greatest distress and suffering, and which, on the other hand, only benumbed and stupefied the faculties, and thus extinguished life with the least infliction of pain.

Many of us when we have lost a sustaining button, have we not felt as ridiculously helpless and wit-benumbed as the smart speller?

His person is represented as having been coarse, his manners uncommonly awkward, his dress slovenly, his conversation very plain, his aversion to study invincible, and his faculties almost entirely benumbed by indolence.

the cold was becoming every moment more biting, and the poor finger fixed in the hole began to feel benumbed, and the numbness soon extended to the hand, and thence throughout the whole arm.

The poor woman's kindness does not rest even there; for she is unhappy till the benumbed and shivering mariner comes ashore to share her little board, and recruit himself at her cheerful and glowing fire, and she can seldom be prevailed upon to take any reward.

Oh, I'm so cold!" "Put your feet closer to me, sissy," answered her brother, baring himself to enwrap her more thoroughly; "put my stockings on over yours;" and, as well as they were able in the dark, he drew his stockings on over her benumbed feet.

" Miss Ada Bell welcomed Clarence in the most affectionate manner, assisted him to remove his coat, unfastened his woollen neck-tie, and smoothed down his glossy black hair; then, warming a napkin, she wrapped it round his benumbed hands, and held them in her own until the circulation was restored and they were supple and comfortable again.

Bring into your house a benumbed viper, and lay it down upon your warm hearth, and soon it will not ask you into which room it may crawl.

"You must not on that account neglect Margaret's child," was Madam Conway's answer, as with a wave of her hand she passed on; and this was all she saidnot a word of sympathy or congratulation for the peculiar old woman whose heart, so long benumbed, had been roused to a better state of feeling, and who in the first joy of her newborn happiness had hurried to her mistress, fancying for the moment that she was almost her equal.

Thus is a being, formed to expatiate, to act, to smile, and enjoy, restricted and benumbed.

I was benumbed, my wife was fainting, and our poor child was blue and speechless.

Benumbed with cold, weary in the search of a lost track, his senses yielding to the stupefying influence of frost, the unhappy man sinks upon the ground, and the snow-drift covers him from human sight.

The nerves of sensibility have become benumbed to such a degree that they no longer offer remonstrance against irritating substances, and allow the enemy to enter into the citadel of life.

236 examples of  benumbed  in sentences