Do we say bereaved or bereft

bereaved 247 occurrences

After walking on in thoughtful silence for a while, as though deeply pondering the striking character of a man whose great nature could thus at once unite the bereaved uncle with the sincere mourner for the dumb friend of his rainier days, Mr. TRACEY CLEWS asked whether suspicion yet pointed to any one?

The King Goes to War Lament of a Bereaved Person The Drawbacks of Poverty A Wife Mourns for Her Husband BOOK XI.THE

Their real but concealed object was to capture Rodolph, either alive or dead; for nothing short of his destruction, or at least that of some member of his family, could satisfy the bereaved Chief for the loss of his son.

'It is the Lord,' she meekly exclaimed: let Him do what seemeth Him good!' That morning she returned with her husband and Edith to the settlement; and they were accompanied by Brewster, whose pious exhortations and sympathizing kindness were invaluable to the bereaved and afflicted parents.

I began to suspect that my two legal friends were so carried away by the interest of the conversation that they had forgotten the secret purpose of the meeting, for the dessert had been placed on the table (by Mrs. Gummer with the manner of a bereaved dependant dispensing funeral bakemeats), and still no reference had been made to the "case."

When Mr. and Miss Bellingham departed, Thorndyke and Jervis would have gone too; but noting my bereaved condition, and being withal compassionate and tender of heart, they were persuaded to stay awhile and bear me company in a consolatory pipe.

One always leaves a station from which a dear friend has just gone with a certain subdued air, a certain bereaved hush in the voice, and even Jenny felt a momentary loneliness too.

It matters not how few or many years love and the beloved live their days side by side, even though their love be but the morning and the evening of one divine day, so that there be no bereaved and lonely to-morrow.

As the old father took it from her and kissed it, a tear of sympathy with the bereaved parent actually fell from his kind eye, on the little, round cheek; and I shall never forget the manner in which, after the rite was performed, he replaced it in her arms, saying,"Go back to your mother's bosom, and may you never be a thorn there.

Upon her mother's death, in 1912 that was, when Mary was seventeen years old, she had, to the utmost limit that a daughter could compass, taken her mother's place in the bereaved man's life.

She said this because Naomi means "pleasant" and Mara means "bitter," and the sorrowing widow felt that her life was a bitter rather than a pleasant one, since she had been bereaved of her husband and sons.

It went to my heart that they should be so bereaved.

Perhaps he needed consolation, and it was my office to sympathize with the bereaved.

The body is taken due west of the lodge or village of the bereaved, and usually one of the deep washes or heads of cañons in which the Comanche country abounds is selected, and the body thrown in, without special reference to position.

While the supper is preparing the bereaved wife goes to the grave and pours out, with unusual vehemence, her bitter wailings and lamentations.

His coming brought a ray of comfort to the unhappy mothers; the tears, which had been till then restrained through excess of sorrow, now began to flow, and, nature being thus relieved, all the three bereaved ones fell into a lethargic repose.

For a time they watched and laughed at the two calves through the bars of the corral, cavorting feebly on stiffened legs while the bereaved mothers cast languishing glances at them from outside, conscious that their milk was being basely diverted from the rightful heirs.

Her father was borne to the grave, with all the splendor of wealth, a long train of sympathizing friends following in the procession, and showing every attention to the bereaved orphan, who was the only mourner.

L. Murray recognizes bereaved, catched, dealed, digged, dwelled, hanged, knitted, shined, spilled; and, in his early editions, he approved of bended, builded, creeped, weaved, worked, wringed.

Cobbett and Sanborn prefer bereaved, builded, dealed, digged, dreamed, hanged, and knitted, to bereft, built, dealt, dug, dreamt, hung, and knit.

"There was never a prince bereaved of his dependencies," &c.Bacon.

Bereave, bereft or bereaved, bereaving, bereft or bereaved.

Bereave, bereft or bereaved, bereaving, bereft or bereaved.

Never before in the history, not only of our communion, but of any or all communions, has the departure of a religious teacher been more widely noted and deplored than in the case of him of whom this Commonwealth and this diocese have been bereaved.

It was almost a month after their disappearance that the bereaved, helpless and hopeless mother received her first clue as to her sons whereabouts.

bereft 351 occurrences

Truly, thou must be bereft entirely of understanding!

Hither and thither she was borne, a creature bereft of volition.

An exclamation of the Master (satirizing the times, when old terms relating to government were still used while bereft of their old meaning):"A quart, and not a quart!

Is it not enough that I am bereft of both my brothers, but must my mother follow too?

Banish'd from all, of all I am bereft!

Matilda, my soul's food, those have bereft, And these of body's food I will bereave.

This is rarely kept up for more than four or five days, but is occasionally resorted to, at intervals, for weeks, or even months, according to the mood of the bereft.

This made the four rare masters which began Fair Artemysia's husband's dainty tomb (When death took her before the work was done, And so bereft them of all hopes to come), That they would yet their own work perfect make E'en for their workes, and their self-glories sake.

Lo! Bessus, he that armde with murderer's knyfe And traytrous hart agaynst his royal king, With bluddy hands bereft his master's life.

Dear Mary, while thou art in heaven, at rest, We're mourning thy absence, bereft and depressed; For thou wert so faithful, so winning and kind, That our hearts' ev'ry fibre around thee entwined.

As when the cause goes hard, the guilty man Excepts, and thins his jury all he can; So when you stand of other aid bereft, You to the Twelve Apostles would be left.

Dry sorrow in his stupid eyes appears, For, wanting nourishment, he wanted tears: His eye-balls in their hollow sockets sink, Bereft of sleep, he loathes his meat and drink.

Omitting several super-emotional lifetimes, let us speak of a certain day not very remote when I stood, bereft of all sea power, at the top of St. James's Street, considering what was the very best worst thing to do to a body which was bored with the reaction that follows four years' strife upon the narrow seas.

Next year, there was none but the rich man left, Left alone in his pride and pain, Who called on the stranger, like one bereft, And sought through the land,in vain!

And love ne'er dies but when some hand Too careless of their mimic strife, Slow cleaves its tendrils from their hold, And hurls them down bereft of life.

I sit at her door almost bereft of my senses; but I do not go in, because I am afraid that the sight of me will make her worse and increase the fever.

Brothers bereft.

For me it suffices to say that he crushed the life out of everybody he chose, without exception, "whether the man was guilty or whether he was not "; [Footnote: From Homer's Iliad, XV, verse 137.] and that he simply mutilated Rome, by rendering it bereft of excellent men.

Even during the life of Tarautas he was led, in the way that I have described, to harbor in his mind the hope of empire;] and at his death [he did not, to be sure, either that day or the two following days occupy the office, in order to avoid the imputation of having killed him with such intentions: but for that space of time the Roman state remained completely bereft of a ruler possessing authority, though without the people's knowing it.

The fact that she was not going to Washington had fallen upon her like a thunderbolt, paralyzing her, as it were, so that after the first great shock was over she seemed like some benumbed creature bereft of care, or feeling, or interest in anything.

"I am bereft of my reason, I know not what I am doing.

But to see the place with bare walls and bereft of furniture was very strange!

Away fly kitten and mungooz,away from the gate,away from the Baboo's walks, bright with ixoras and creeping nagatallis,away from the Baboo's park, shady with banians, and fragrant with sandal-trees, and imposing with tall peepuls, and cool with sparkling fountains,away from the Baboo's home, away from the Baboo's heart, bereft thenceforth forever!

I 'm quite bereft!

They brought him home, bereft of the power of speech.

Do we say   bereaved   or  bereft