20 examples of beste in sentences

And to the soper sette us anon; And served us with vitaille at the beste, Strong was the wyn, and wel to drinke us leste.

And under colour of this beste, pryvely The morall sense they cloake full subtyly.

If these and the like doubtes maye be of importaunce, in your seeming, to frustrate any parte of your aduice, I beeseeche you without the leaste selfe loue of your own purpose, councell me for the beste: and the rather doe it faithfullye and carefully, for that, in all things, I attribute so muche to your iudgement, that I am euermore content to adnihilate mine owne determinations in respecte thereof.

And nowe they haue proclaimed in their [Greek: hareiophaga] a generall surceasing and silence of balde rymers, and also of the verie beste to; in steade whereof they haue, by authoritie of their whole senate, prescribed certaine lawes and rules of quantities of English sillables for English verse; hauing had thereof already greate practise, and drawen mee to their faction.

And nowe requite I you with the like, not with the verye beste, but with the verye shortest, namely, with a few Iambickes.

I take best my Dreames shoulde come forth alone, being growen, by meanes of the Glosse (running continually in maner of a paraphrase), full as great as my Calendar Therin be some things excellently, and many things wittily, discoursed of E. K., and the pictures so singularly set forth and purtrayed, as if Michael Angelo were there, he could (I think) nor amende the beste, nor reprehende the worst.

Forth, beste, out of thy stall, Know thy contree, look up, thank God of al; Hold the hye wey, and lat thy gost thee lede: And trouthe shal delivere, hit is no drede.

forthe, beste out of thi stal!

In the contre of Turquesten, ben but fewe gode cytees: but the beste cytee of that lond highte Octorar.

And the beste cytee of that contree is clept Chorasme.

The beste 2 cytees of that kyngdom, ben Sarras and Karemen.

And the beste cytee in the yle of Pentexoire is Nyse, that is a fulle ryalle cytee and a noble, and fulle riche.

This is the beste yle, and the beste kyngdom, that is in alle tho partyes, out taken Cathay.

This is the beste yle, and the beste kyngdom, that is in alle tho partyes, out taken Cathay.

[Crabbe]; das Beste ist gut genug

From the lively scene of the lower class of the bourgeoisie, male and female, meeting here in the Biersschanks and Tanzsaale I was reminded of the lines in Faust: Gewiss man findet hier Die schönsten Mädchen, und das beste Bier, which may be thus rendered: Here let us halt! '

" One of themsaid to have been an eminent German theologianused this strong language respecting it: "Schon manche gute, edle, segensreiche Gabe ist uns aus Nordamerika gekommen, aber wir stehen nicht au, diese als die beste zu bezeichnen unter allen, die uns von dort zu Gesichte gekommen.

The description of the bloody duels often fought by Kaffir women given by the British missionary Beste (Ploss, II., 421) indicates a decidedly Amazonian disposition.

[Footnote 155: 'That is the beste grease that is to a shepe, to grease hym in the mouthe with good meate,' says Sir Anthony Fitzherbert.]

But gret harm was it, as it thoughte me, That on his schyne a mormal had he: For blankmanger that made he with the beste.

20 examples of  beste  in sentences