11 examples of bibbing in sentences

Thrice happy age when one can hug one's white woolly lamb to one's bibbed breast, kiss its pink bead eyes in irrational ecstasy, and manipulate the squeak in its foreground without desire to explore the cause thereof!

" "I once lived in a house, where, to appease a froward child, they gave him drink as often as he cried, so that he was constantly bibbing.

Drunkenness N. drunkenness &c adj.; intemperance; drinking &c v.; inebriety^, inebriation; ebriety^, ebriosity^; insobriety; intoxication; temulency^, bibacity^, wine bibbing; comtation^, potation; deep potations, bacchanals, bacchanalia, libations; bender [U.S.].

I, too, have some social influence, if not among the careless, wine-bibbing, ease-loving votaries of fashion, among some of the most substantial people of A.P., and as long as Annette preserves her rectitude at my house she shall be a welcome guest and into that saddened life I will bring all the sunshine that I can.

When I was about a hundred yards up in this old mixed quarter of Greeks, Turks, Jews, Italians, Albanians, and noise and cafedjis and wine-bibbing, having turned two corners, I suddenly gathered my skirts, spun round, and, as fast as I could, was off at a heavy trot back to the quay.

Perhaps it may be thought from the procession of ports produced on such occasions as I have described that we indulged in a sustained and severe wine-bibbing bout.

There was to be no more gormandizing, no more wine-bibbing; the choice old wines were placed under lock and key for the use of the sick and poor in the vicinity; and every fast of the Church, and every obsolete rule of the order, were revived with unsparing rigor.

This aged roué, this miserable wine-bibbing co-respondent, with his tremulous hand and boiled eye, thought that Colonel Dearman did not know his drill, did he?

" Poor dashing, dissipated, brandy-bibbing George!

I want my porridge!" Confused, I stood blinking at him, and he at table, bibbed like a babe, mad as a hornet, hammering on the cloth with a great silver spoon and bellowing that they meant to starve him.

Monsieur Choucru now came upon the scene; a short, rosy, round-faced little man in a white flat cap and bibbed apronlike an elderly cherub that had taken to cookery.

11 examples of  bibbing  in sentences