8 examples of biddings in sentences

"Art thou resolute to do none of my biddings?" "Is it your eccellenza's pleasure that I go to the Bridge of Sighs by the footways of the streets, or by the canals?" "There may be need of a gondolathou wilt go with the oar.

He commanded these that they should hearken Lot as himself, and observe all his biddings.

and whom he disappointed by accepting his invitation at once, and not Maydening it; no insignificant term as he applies it: for, as he says, Who looks for double biddings to a feast, May dine at home for an importune guest.

The spirits delayed at first, not only for dread of the great angel, but because they resented the biddings of mortality, even in their own cause.

The biddings gradually ascended to 900, and there stood, till, after a considerable expenditure of the Frenchman's breath and talent, Sancho was knocked down at 900 dollars, though when first put up 1,025 had been offered for him.

Can he whom you so lately quitted muster fellows like these, to do his biddings?" The crew of the 'Dolphin' had been chosen, by one who thoroughly understood the character of a seaman, from among all the different people of the Christian world.

A circle in formed with ropes in a small field near the mansion, where the rams are introduced, and an auctioneer announces the biddings, which are frequently very spirited.

A laugh followed the attorney's sneering remark, and the biddings went on.

8 examples of  biddings  in sentences