409 examples of bigger than in sentences

" "Let's give another yell, bigger than before," suggested Dan weakly.

You, Alexander, are about the best of them; but the least Cardinal about my Court would have thought himself bigger than you.

For they were not little black men in black silk clothes as it had seemed, but vulturesthose great, high-soaring, black-plumaged birds which he had watched circling in the sky, looking no bigger than bees or flies at that vast distance above the earth.

" And according to another old adage we are told how: "When the aspen leaves are no bigger than your nail, Is the time to look out for truff and peel.

Knowledge insignificant and vapid as Mrs. B.'s books convey, it seems, must come to the child in the shape of knowledge, and his empty noddle must be turned with conceit of his own powers when he has learned that a horse is an animal, and Billy is better than a horse, and such like; instead of that beautiful interest in wild tales which made the child a man, while all the time he suspected himself to be no bigger than a child.

Not only has the war been enormously bigger than any other war, but it has struck deeper at the foundations of social and economic life.

Generally speaking the whole outfit's bigger than it really ought to be, but maybe it'll shrink up some when it's washed," he finished in a casual matter-of-fact way.

The Forest Monster is already bigger than the lot of you, and he will come for you sooner or later if you don't let us stop him!" "Vorest Monzter?" echoed the great shark.

He was a poor little creature, this Foreign Office messenger, not much bigger than Monsieur Otto, and Imonsieur can see my hands now, and imagine what they were like when I was seven-and-twenty years of age.

If it be said, there was a time when no being had any knowledge, when that eternal being was void of all understanding; I reply, that then it was impossible there should ever have been any knowledge: it being as impossible that things wholly void of knowledge, and operating blindly, and without any perception, should produce a knowing being, as it is impossible that a triangle should make itself three angles bigger than two right ones.

For I desire it may be considered, what more certainty there is to a child, or any one, that his body, little finger, and all, is bigger than his little finger alone, after you have given to his body the name WHOLE, and to his little finger the name PART, than he could have had before; or what new knowledge concerning his body can these two relative terms give him, which he could not have without them?

So that the maxim, the whole is bigger than a part, can never be made use of to prove the little finger less than the body, but when it is useless, by being brought to convince one of a truth which he knows already.

In the last scene of the act, a cloud no bigger than a man's hand appears on the horizon.

For instance, I never can seriously call in question, whether the whole is bigger than one of its parts; or whether the centre of a perfect circle is equally distant from all the points of the circumference.

When the fatal moment of their meeting arrived, though the Senior was much bigger than Pretty, the Lakerim youth did not runat least, he ran no farther than was necessary to clear a good space for the use of a little single-stick exercise.

Her neck was no bigger than a gripman's wrist and she had a nose that stood right out from her face almost an eighth of an inch.

" "I am a general underwriter," returned the opinionated pilot; "my wife shall mend every hole I make in your sails, with a needle no bigger than a hair, and with such a palm as a fairy's thimble!"

The creature is as much bigger than an elephant as an elephant is larger than a sheep.

They were all bigger than hazel nuts, hundreds and hundreds of them: and the old man screamed.

no bigger than a man's hand, forerunners of tempest, which Mr. Fenton had heard of in many households.

It is only here that fish no bigger than trout kill swimmers, and bats the size of the ordinary "flittermice" of the northern hemisphere drain the life-blood of big beasts and of man himself.

I would have them think that we are only mad with valour, and that Lord Chatham's cloak has been divided into shreds no bigger than a silver penny amongst our soldiers and sailors.

" "No bigger than eternity.

Thurstane looked at the two as if he considered them a couple of fools, each bigger than the other.

arising from the sea, A little cloud, as 'twere, no bigger than a human hand, But swiftly, darkly spreading o'er the parched, thirsty land, It widely displays its threatening armies thro' the sky, Its lurid lightnings flash in forked streaks upon the eye.

409 examples of  bigger than  in sentences