12 examples of biologically in sentences

The womanly woman and the manly man, those ideals of the Victorians, which crumbled before the attack of the Ibsenites, Strindbergians and Shavians in the nineties, but which must be recognized as quite valid biologically, are the masterpieces of these interstitial cells when in their perfection.

All these poses, of course, have supplied not an iota to an understanding of the foundations of the problems of sex, biologically considered.

But indeed biologically there exists every transition between the masculine and the feminine.

Bernhardi, speaking of the right of conquest of new territory inherent in a growing people, tells us that in such cases 'might is at once the supreme right, and the dispute as to what is right is decided by the arbitrament of war', which gives a 'biologically just decision'!

War gives a biologically just decision, since its decisions rest on the very nature of things.

Biologically speaking, this is not a triumph for the American tradition.

It varies very greatly among different races, and one supposes that the much greater desire for privacy which is found among Northern, as compared to Southern Europeans, may be due to the fact that races who had to spend much or little of the year under cover, adjusted themselves biologically to a different standard in this respect.

In some few cases the thing thus artificially brought into existence and made recognisable still produces its impulsive effect by acting on those biologically inherited associations which enable man and other animals to interpret sensations without experience.

In the year 1890 I published a work on psychology in which it became my duty to discuss the value of a certain explanation of our higher mental states that had come into favor among the more biologically inclined psychologists.

Biologically, anger and hatred follow fear and injury, and punishment follows these in turn.

Both hate and love are biologically necessary to life and its processes.

This shifting balance and/or imbalance with its resulting build-up and/or break-down exists geographically, biologically, sociologically.

12 examples of  biologically  in sentences