1427 examples of bismarck in sentences

The history of the rise of the German nation shows how the effort to make a nation produced the necessary statesman, Bismarck.

He was His instrument in overthrowing despotism among the petty kings of Germany, and thus showing the necessity of a national unity,at length realized by the genius of Bismarck.

Before presenting him in this double light, however, I will briefly sketch the events of his life until he stood out as the leading figure in European politics,as great a figure as Bismarck later became.

Metternich was now made a prince, with large gifts of land and money, and occupied a superb position,similar to that which Bismarck occupied later on in Prussia, as chancellor of the empire.

It was the policy fifty years later of Bismarck, although he was obliged to fight and humble Austria before he could consummate it.

The cruel terms exacted by Bismarck and Moltke in their late contest with France indicate the real animus of Prussia.

By his imperial master he was treated as a brother or friend, rather than as a minister; while on his part he never presumed on any liberties, and seemed simply to obey the orders of his sovereign,orders which he himself suggested, with infinite tact and politeness; unlike Stein and Bismarck, who were overbearing and rude even in the presence of the sovereign and court.

And he did good work at the Congress for his sovereign, whose representative he was, and for his country by contriving with his adroit manipulations to alienate the northern from the southern States of Germany, making the latter allies of France and the former allies of Russia,in other words, practically dividing Germany, which it was the work of Bismarck afterward to unite.


Rise of Bismarck.

Bismarck, Prime Minister.

Labors of Bismarck.

Bismarck's domestic policy.

Bismarck's famous speech, 1888.

Retirement of Bismarck.

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME X. Bismarck at Versailles After the painting by Carl Wagner.

Bismarck After the painting by Franz von Lenbach.

Most of the illustrious men of history have been ambitious,Cromwell, Pitt, Thiers, Guizot, Bismarck,but ambitious to be useful to their country, as well as to receive its highest rewards.

Bismarck's size was 7-1/4, so was Gladstone's, so was Campbell-Bannerman's.

She made a code for murder and conflagration, and over it all she poured the boiling oil of an enraged mysticism, made up of Bismarck, of Nietzsche, and of the Bible.

Bismarck, qui s'y connaissait, avait une haute opinion de Disraeli, "Salisbury est sans importance," disait-il durant le congrès de Berlin: "ce n'est qu'une baguette peinte pour ressembler à du fer.


Mme. de Keyserling, nee Grafin Goedela Bismarck (W); 7Jul60; R259717.

BISMARCK, GRAFIN GOEDELA. SEE Keyserling, Grafin Goedela Bismarck de. BLACHER, BEATRIX.

BISMARCK, GRAFIN GOEDELA. SEE Keyserling, Grafin Goedela Bismarck de. BLACHER, BEATRIX.

1427 examples of  bismarck  in sentences