45 examples of black look in sentences

Allingford occasionally came down on him for allowing all kinds of misconduct to pass unchecked, but it was hardly to be expected that a fellow who was hand and glove with some of the principal offenders should have much influence or power in maintaining law and order; and these interviews with the captain usually ended in an exchange of black looks and angry words.

" The little face, full of humourous contempt and shrewd scorn, sobered; she flung a black look round the saloon, and her eyes came back to the Colonel's face.

" Shade gave him a black look.

In a lumber camp, the newcomer would do well to take the initiative, like that little black mare, and meet the first black look with a short-arm jab.

he grumbled, giving her a black look, but she did not seem to notice it.

" He favored the schoolteacher with another black look and then swung out of the saddle, throwing his reins.

Each was a memorial window of stained glass, which gave the building a black look from the outside.

morosity^, spleen; churlishness &c (discourtesy) 895; irascibility &c 901. moodiness &c adj.; perversity; obstinacy &c 606; torvity^, spinosity^; crabbedness &c adj.. ill temper, bad temper, ill humor, bad humor; sulks, dudgeon, mumps^, dumps, doldrums, fit of the sulks, bouderie [Fr.], black looks, scowl; grouch; huff &c (resentment) 900.

[Fr.], rebuff; slap, slap on the face; home thrust, hit; frown, scowl, black look. diatribe; jeremiad, jeremiade; tirade, philippic. clamor, outcry, hue and cry; hiss, hissing; sibilance, sibilation, catcall; execration &c 908.

Night gives a black look to everything, whatever it may be.

Directly after dinner the preparations for an immediate start began; very much to the disgust of skipper and crew, who were not in the habit of working after dinner; but Montesma cared nothing for the short answers of the captain, or the black look of the men.

The black looked up from his feast, and for a full half minute they eyed each other.

The street had the blue-black look of a New York street at night.

" Judith pursued him further with her little black look of scorn.

" At the word old Otto's mutterings ceased, though he shot a black look at the younger man.

Remember the black looks insinuating you were an idiot and the growing conviction on your part that they were not far wrong?

" "Very good," ses Joe, giving me a black look.

I have not heard a harsh word or seen a black look.

There is an ominous black look to the westward.

All this silence of village people, all these black looks seemed to German soldiers like an evil spell about them.

I confess the business has rather a black look, Mr. Fenton, and that I am inclined to concur with the country people.

Louis made as if he knew nothing of what had happened in his absence, and gave nobody a black look; only four or five burgesses, too much compromised by their relations with the besiegers, were banished to Orleans.

Richard said, while the great ridges deepened in his forehead, and a hard, black look crept into his eyes, and about the corners of his mouth.

And all was merry, save that outside there was coming up as villanous a night as ever cast black looks in through snug windows.

However, Charles had sense enough to know that though he might exhale his vexation in grumbling, he had no valid cause for quarrelling with young Oakshott, so he contented himself with black looks and grudging thanks, as he was obliged to let Peregrine hand his wife into her carriage amid her nods and becks and wreathed smiles.

45 examples of  black look  in sentences