9 examples of blacked out in sentences

On the morning of the third day after my arrival at Abo, while sitting on the hotel veranda reading an old copy of the Paris Journal, many portions of which had been "blacked out" by the censor, the Chief of Police, in his dark green uniform, entered and saluted before me.

Lanyard saw the beam of the headlights lift and drill perpendicularly into the zenith before it was blacked out.

"Speakin' of hosses, Buck," said his father, "they's a black out in the shed right now that'd make your eyes jest nacherally pop out'n their sockets.

The North Carolina Quakers advised Friends to emancipate their slaves, later prohibited traffic in them, forbade their members from even hiring the blacks out in 1780 and by 1818 had exterminated the institution among their communicants.

Whatever hypercriticism might object to her colour, which was a black out of which all the gloss had fairly glistened itself over the fire, no one could deny her being full blown.

It is the practice when a church is crowded, to turn the blacks out of their seats.

It is the practice when a church is crowded, to turn the blacks out of their seats.

How much do you think," she said, with a little moue, "we can do in the way of deporting blacks out of my earningswell, say as teacher of music, or of French?

Arrangements are to be made to provide entertainment by means of concert parties and motor-trips; also newspapers and periodicals, in which, to avoid annoyance, the "Situations Vacant" column has been blacked out.

9 examples of  blacked out  in sentences