5037 examples of blame in sentences

"Miss PENDRAGON scorns the thought of any blame for her brother," continued Mr. DIBBLE, eyeing the fire.

They blame me for not talking out.

Saturday you blame it on yet!

Now that it's out from under old Daggett's eyes nobody'll ever be able to lay the blame on me!"

"Well, it's true what I'm tellin' yer," persisted Saunders seriously: "the ice is goin' out, and it's goin' soon, and when you're washed out o' yer bunks ye needn't blame me, fur I warned yer.

Circumstances had enabled him to assume, and he had gladly accepted, the blame for John Charteris's iniquity, rather than let Anne Charteris know the truth about her husband and Clarice Pendomer.

Had I known the circumstances I certainly shouldn't have fired, but you must put the blame on me, not upon this guiltless household.

I don't blame youbut come and see it.

For the present, I have only to confess that, after a few days, Willie got tired of itand small blame to him, for it was of no earthly use beyond amusement, and that which can only amuse can never amuse long.

I don't blame the youngsters for getting off from Leghorn for two days over here in town when they can.

Whether she or I were most to blame I know not, though I own I could not help giving frequent hints how well I could keep a secret.

"It is impossible to blame these peaceful, quiet-living burghers of Antwerp for the fears that possessed them when a merciless rain of German shells began to fall into the streets and on the roofs of their houses and public buildings.

Men, women and children fought desperately with each other to get on board, and in that moment of supreme anguish human nature was seen in one of its worst moods; but who can blame these stricken people? APPALLED BY THE HORROR OF WAR "They were fleeing from les barbares,' and shells that were destroying their homes and giving their beloved town to the flames were screaming over their heads.

Whichever side were most to blame in the feud, no quarter was given by either.

How can I be to blame? Is it my fault I am fair?

In fine, many whose foreheads are brazed and hearts steeled against all blame, are yet not of proof against derision; divers, who never will be reasoned, may be rallied in better order: in which cases raillery, as an instrument of so important good, as a servant of the best charity, may be allowed.

This, although it necessarily doth include setting out their faults, and charging blame on them (answerable to their offences), is not the culpable reproach here meant, it being needful towards a wholesome effect, and proceeding from charitable intention.

Some losses must be suffered in every war, and every one will necessarily produce complaints and discontent; every man is willing to blame some other person for his misfortunes, and it was, therefore, easy to turn the clamours of those whose vessels fell into the hands of the Spaniards, against the ministers and commanders of the ships of war.

So that, if women are unchaste here, or elsewhere, men are the more to blame: if woman goes one step wrong, men drag her two more.

Withouten guilt, withouten blame, Bothé day and other.

When the father pours out his gladness at the sight of her, she rejoins in these words: "I hold that jeweller little to praise That loves well that he sees with eye; And much to blame, and uncortoyse, uncourteous.

"One worthiest of blame.

One more for the sake of Martha, smiled at by so many because they are incapable either of her blame or her sister's praise.

I only blame him for his pompous introduction: "Callimorphus, physician to the sixth legion of spearmen, his history of the Parthian war."

He will imagine (which will certainly be the case) that no man in his senses will blame him for recording things exactly as they fell out.

5037 examples of  blame  in sentences