6 examples of blaue in sentences

Come to the parlor and hear Kate play the divine songs of Mendelssohn; perhaps, night-eyed conspirator, to whirl Polly or Miss Rosa in the delirium of the 'Blaue Donau.'

Bee stuck her "blaue cravatte," as we now called the necktie, under the bureau mat to put on when we came up, and then we snatched a hasty luncheon.

At that Jimmie, who hates a row when it is not of his own making, interfered and insisted that we must have packed ithe remembered numbers of times when we had made a fuss over nothingit was of no account anyway, and if we would only come along and not miss the train he would send back to Charvet and get Bee another "blaue cravatte.

"Blaue cravatte," he said, bowing.

"If Ischl is a royal country-seat," said Jimmie, "I'll bet you a 'blaue cravatte' for yourself against a 'blaue cravatte' for myselfboth to come from Charvet'sthat

"If Ischl is a royal country-seat," said Jimmie, "I'll bet you a 'blaue cravatte' for yourself against a 'blaue cravatte' for myselfboth to come from Charvet'sthat

6 examples of  blaue  in sentences