138 examples of bloodshot in sentences

His hair was grey, his hands trembled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face had the unhealthy pallor which accompanies intense nervous pressure and excitement.

The dog, with protruding tongue and eyesthat had the piteous pleading and reproach of the human, looked up at him, bloodshot and failing.

Cartwright's eyes got bloodshot and he clenched his fist.

Thashwazmarrerwhere'd' I leave'm?" Repeating this question to himself, with an almost frenzied intensity, the gloomy victim of a treacherous memory threw an unearthly stare of bloodshot questioning all over the room, and, after a swaying motion or two of the upper half of his body, pitched forward, with his forehead crashing upon the table.

Mr. Heron, who suffered from indigestion, was always at his worst at breakfast time; Mrs. Heron invariably appeared meaner and more lachrymose; Isabel more irritable and dissatisfied; and Joseph, whose bloodshot eyes and swollen lips testified to the arduous character of his "late work at the office," went through the pretence of a meal with a sullen doggedness which evinced itself by something like a snarl if any one addressed him.

Venture among them with fear in your heart and they would fly at your legs and throat like wild beasts; but twirl a big stick jauntily, or better still go quietly on your way without concern, and they would skulk aside and watch you hungrily out of the corners of their surly eyes, whose lids were red and bloodshot as a mastiff's.

There was malice in Dredlinton's pallid face, the ugly twist of his lips and the light in his bloodshot eyes.

His eyes were bloodshot and his eyelids puffy.

Pulling himself up till he could brace his feet, he took steady aim at the beast's wild and bloodshot eye.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he wore a little queue tied with a black ribbon.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his skin looked coarse and blotched; his coat was thrown aside, displaying a shirt which bore evidence of having been useful in its day and generation.

His only concession to age was the sunken and bloodshot appearance of his eyes.

Her face was quite disfigured already; the afflicted eye was bloodshot, and the whole cheek was red with tears and rubbing; she could only follow blindly along, her handkerchief up, and, half groping into the seat offered her, begin comfortlessly to help herself to some soup with her left hand.

Then she saw that his face was almost purple, his eyes bloodshot, and his breath came in short, gasping pants.

As his bloodshot eyes fell upon the latter he started ever so slightly.

Who is the Johnny with the fat tummy and the bloodshot eyes?

Henkel, his bloodshot eyes aflame with ill-suppressed rage, stalked up to them.

He jumped up and pressed his thumbs on my eyes till they was all bloodshot and when he let loose I fell down on the floor.

They belonged to an Army of Invasion, marching through hostile territory, and the soul of war robbed the individual of his own separate soul and put a spell of madness on him, so that his eyes were bloodshot and his senses inflamed with lust.

I could easily see how grieved he was, and I observed some tears of vexation standing in his bloodshot eyes " [Souvenirs de Dumont, p. 47].

As you look out into the white, the light through your bloodshot eyelids turns everything to crimson.

he said, slowly, his bloodshot eyes opening wider than ever.

Her bloodshot eyes gazed upwards, without moving, on the holy figures displayed upon the iconostasis.

His eyes were wild and bloodshot.

The starting, bloodshot eyes were already glazing.

138 examples of  bloodshot  in sentences