35 examples of blow-outs in sentences


And when they had got it, they would have a "Blow-out" to celebrate the achievement.

shouted the Boy, "and by Saturday (that's five sleeps) we'll have the wall done and the house warm, and you and"he caught himself up; not thus in public would he break the news to Mac"you'll be back in time for the big Blow-Out."

There's Potts been swearin', be this and be that, that yourself and the little divvle wudn't be at the Blow-Out at ahl, at ahl.

" "Don't sound heady enough for a 'Blow-Out,'" said the Colonel.

" "I'll clean 'em all after the Blow-Out," said Mac, and he went out, buried the charms in the snow, and stuck up a spruce twig to mark the spot.

When the grilled reindeer did appear, flanked by really-truly potatoes and the Colonel's hot Kentucky biscuit, there was no longer doubt in any man's mind but what this Blow-Out was being a success.

O'Flynn, poorly disguising his delight in a scrimmage, had been shouting: "Ye'll spoil the Blow-Out, ye meddlin' jackass!

"Well," said the Colonel, severely, "you've had a Blow-Out if nobody else has!" "Feel better?" inquired Potts, tenderly.

they're havin' a Blow-Out up in heaven.

On the fifth day after the Blow-Out, "You comin' long to Pymeut this mornin'?"

But Father Wills had shown the Colonel the piece of dirty paper the Indian had brought on the night of the Blow-Out.

Pop's goin' to spend a lot of money on refreshments an' it'll be the biggest blow-out Chazy County ever seen!"

Captain Savage said, "Yer see it don't cost me nuthin' fur a blow-out, as you might say.

He had about six blow-outs before he got very farjust answering our cheers.

On the instant of the accompanying blow-out the grey car shied like a frightened horse and swerved off the road, hurtling headlong into a clump of trees.

" Howland fancied that there was a certain tone of relief in the senior's voice, but he made no mention of it to the superintendent as they walked swiftly to the scene of the "blow-out."

" "Jolly good blow-out!" said Albert's girl, with satisfaction.

"And why shouldn't nice-lookin' people have a good blow-out, same as you?" inquired the girl, with a flash of indignation.

There we 'as two blow-outs simultaneous, an' thinks I, now, my son, I've got you!

Jack and his bride must have a blow-out right.

He'd had a blow-out down the other side of Patmos and he was sore because they didn't have no tires he could use down there.

"Better lay in a supply of blow-out patches, unless you're a mind to invest in a new casing."

" Before he was through with them he had donated four blow-out patches to the cause, and about five hours of hard labor.

He asked quite humbly for the loan of tools, and tube cement, and more blow-out patches, and set awkwardly to work mending his tattered tires.

35 examples of  blow-outs  in sentences