61 examples of blowin in sentences

"Human nater couldn't stand all that, so startin' up I found that while I'd been layin' in the bottom of the boat the wind had ris, and was blowin' a stiff gale.

There I lay on the floor, puffin' and blowin' like a steem ingine, while the hull army was dancin' a war dance around my prostrate figger, and the old Kernal was cuttin' down a double shuffle on the wash-stand, which made the crockery rattle.

Feels to me," he added, as he rose to his feet, "as if it was blowin' up a genuwine old nor'-easter again.

Hank Wilson for blowin' their trumpet, and voted to present him with a new hoop skirt and a pound of spruce gum as a token of their appreciation.

With hammers we knock them masheens to pieces, and, sir!" said he, blowin his bugle horn of liberty with his cote sleeve, "as the Roman mother once said, 'these is my tressoors,' for, sure's your born, the sales of old iron more'n pays runnin my farm, losses and all.

She scoops the seas like a gravy-spoon when the gales are up an' blowin', But Fritz 'e loves 'er above a bit when 'er fightin' fangs are showin'.

" "The wind's blowin' away from town," contributed Mike Flynn.

What's de use ob blowin' noses ef dey won't stay blowed?"

"We picked her up one morning homeward bound from Portland, Maine, In a nine-knot grunting cargo tramp, by name the Crown o' Spain; The day was breaking cold and dark and dirty as could be, It was blowin' up for weather as we couldn't help but see.

She's down at de bahn now, blowin' up Plez fur gwine to sleep when he was a shellin' de cohnfiel' peas.

Just the curtains rustlin' on the window-sill, And the wind a-blowin', warm and wet and sweet Smellin' like the meadows or the fields of wheat; Just the bullfrogs pipin' in amongst the grass, Where the water's shinin' like a lookin'-glass; Just a dog a-barkin' somewheres up along, So far off his yelpin' 's like a kind of song.

'E was stretched out on a couple o' sacks, and a reg'ler gale was blowin' on him.

One night, blowin' half a gale from the south'ard, we ran on a reef two miles to the east of Cape May, and down we went with a hole in our bottom like as if she'd been spitted on the steeple o' one o' them Honfleur churches.


She scoops the seas like a gravy spoon when the gales are up an' blowin', But Fritz 'e loves 'er above a bit when 'er fightin' fangs are showin'.

av Orangemin an' batther the police; For we're all agin the Governmint wheriver we may be Och, Muckish Mountain, an' the wild wind blowin' free!

The mate's men are all safe, sir; I counted them as we shot past, and I seed Buzzby come up last of all, blowin' like a grampus; and small wonder, considerin' the dive he took.

The rat winced and swerved most reassuringly at his blowin the glare of his lamp he could see the fur furrow under the lashand he slashed again and again, heedless and unaware of the second pursuer that gained upon his off side.

So at long last I bethought me, there's nout o' a sea to the north o' Snakes Island, so I'll pull him by that sidefor the storm is blowin' right up by Golden Friars, ye mindand when we get near the point, thinks I, he'll see wi' his een how the lake is, and gie it up.

He was blowin' about it to me after I arrested him," swore Delany without hesitation.

So up I go through the sludge, puffin' an' blowin' like a bally ole cart-'orsestrooth, it seemed miles!

"'Fo de war Marse Murry would wake all de niggers by blowin' a big 'konk' an' den when dinner time would come Old Missus would blow de 'konk' an' call dem to dinner.

An' for goodness' sake, Dan, don't be blowin' it that way.

"I hope you have a good time blowin' in the dough.

Does you hear de win' a blowin'? Does you hear de chickens crowin'? Does you see de niggars hoein'? It am de break ob day!

61 examples of  blowin  in sentences