14453 examples of blown in sentences

"I've known them that would go back and anchor in Fort Pond Bay, or even in Gardiner's, until this south-easter had blown itself out.

As for the gale, it might, or it might not, have blown him to leeward.

I cannot tell In words the tenderness that glowed across His bosomburned it clean in will and thought; "Shall that sweet face be blown by laughter rude Out of the soul where it has deigned to come, But will not stay what maidens may not hear?" He almost wept for shame, that those two thoughts Should ever look each other in the face, Meeting in his house.

The lady stood in a white dismay, Like a half-blown frozen bud.

Yet in other parts of that Country the Fire-Hills did make new mountains of the matter that did come from them; but this not to be alway so; and there to seem to my knowledge no cause to order why this did not be constant; save that my guessings to be right, or naught to be blown from some.

"Well, I will tell you what," said the farmer, "you may find your master, with his brains blown out, in the road," describing the place where he had had the encounter with the innkeeper.

From these oaks, we passed into a wood of chestnuts, and still going up and up, but by such devious, unseen ways, that I think no man, stranger to these parts, could pick it out for himself in broad daylight, we came thence into a great stretch of pine trees, with great rocks scattered amongst them, as if some mountain had been blown up and fallen in a huge shower of fragments.

" "Why, we may be blown with a vengeance, if he come ferreting so nigh as that," says Dawson, "and we are like to rot in gaol for our pains.

And then I smelt an evil stench, and looking about, saw the blown-out carcass of a rotting sheep lie close at hand.

The wind had blown fresh all the morning from south-west, and after Elzevir had left, strengthened to a gale.

I thought to make for St. Malo, and leave thee at the Éperon d'Or with old Chauvelais, where thou couldst learn to patter French until these evil times have blown by.

Sound, trumpets far off blown, Your triumph is my own.

" "'I see it so plainly,' returned the colonel, with alarming coolness, 'that I should already have blown out the brains of your horse, but for the fear lest mine, in a moment of terror, should precipitate me with yourself, to the bottom of the abyss.'

And then, suddenly, in a flash of sickening knowledge he knew that it was not his sweetheart who had blown him that kiss.

It was an old thing, and spoke of the flat bottoms of our foes and the possibility of their coming over in darkness, and alluded to threats of an invasion many years blown over; and when he came to the part "We'll still make 'em run, and we'll still make 'em sweat,

He confessed himself guilty, and boldly declared, that if he had happened to have been within the house when Sir T. Knyvett apprehended him, he would instantly have blown him up, house and all.

Prosecute him, and you may promise yourself to be blown up at every gaming-house in the town.

Nor did this distance incommode him much, seeing that he had the attraction to quicken his steps homewards of a pretty young wife and two little twin daughters, Mary and Annie, as like each other as two rosebuds partially opened, and as like their mother, too, as the objects of our simile are to themselves when full blown.

" The happy laugh that had come when the wind had blown the olive blossoms of Eboli upon her lap had long been silent now.

Not long after this, we were surprised, one morning about ten o'clock, by hearing the horn blown at the house.

Where once were woods, there are gaunt rows of stumps; the wells have been blown up....

In any case, what we should like to know Is how his modern namesake, Private Fritz, Enjoys the fun of being blown to bits Because his Emperor has lost his wits.

'E was worth two men at the lee fore brace, an' three at the bunt of a sail; 'E'd a voice you could 'ear to the royal yards in the teeth of a Cape 'Orn gale; But now 'e's a full-blown lootenant, an' wears the twisted braid, Commandin' one of 'is Majesty's ships in the North Atlantic trade." "And what is the ship you're sailin' in?"

In an hour a brisk wind from the west had blown the storm away and burnished the sky like a new jewel.

At Port Dolphin he went off in the boats to fetch some of the crew left ashore, the ship being blown to sea the night before.

14453 examples of  blown  in sentences