37 examples of blowpipe in sentences

"I don't believe in the pasquinades," declared a workman, lank and withered from operating the blowpipe.

Seeing none, he caught up his blowpipe.

"And what should we do then?" "Then we'd start a real one, now that they're going to massacre us anyhow" The violent fit of coughing that seized the silversmith prevented the rest of this speech from being heard, but Chichoy must have been saying terrible things, to judge from his murderous gestures with the blowpipe and the face of a Japanese tragedian that he put on.

Eolus, Boreas, Zephyr, cave of Eolus. air pump, air blower, lungs, bellows, blowpipe, fan, ventilator, punkah^; branchiae^, gills, flabellum^, vertilabrum^. whiffle ball.

Airpipe N. air pipe, air tube; airhole^, blowhole, breathinghole^, venthole; shaft, flue, chimney, funnel, vent, nostril, nozzle, throat, weasand^, trachea; bronchus, bronchia [Med.]; larynx, tonsils, windpipe, spiracle; ventiduct^, ventilator; louvre, jalousie, Venetian blinds; blowpipe &c (wind) 349; pipe &c (tube) 260; jhilmil^; smokestack.

The goldsmith blows merrily all day through his little blowpipe, but it is gold he is working on.

One who is curious in such things may make glass out of a straw, by burning it and heating the ashes with a blowpipe.

It is infusible before the blowpipe.

I have seen in one day more work spoilt, and time lost, for want of these than would have paid for the apparatus twice over; and in almost every shop emergencies are constantly happening in which a good blowpipe will render most efficient service.

The shrinking on of collars, forging, hardening, and tempering of tools, melting lead or resin out of pipes which have been bent, and endless other odd matters, are constantly turning up; and on these, in the absence of a blowpipe, I have often seen men spend hours instead of minutes.

Things which need a blowpipe are usually most awkward to do without one; and men will go fiddling about and tumbling over each other without seeing really what they intend to do.

Those of you who wish to study this matter further will, I think, find sufficient information in my paper on "The Construction of High-Power Burners for Heating by Gas," printed in the Transactions of the Gas Institute for 1883, and in the papers on the "Use and Construction of the Blowpipe" and "The Use of Gas as a Workshop Tool.

I shall be able to show you the difference in temperature obtained in a furnace by an ordinary air blast, by a blowpipe flame directed into the furnace, and by the same mixture of gas and air which I use in the blowpipe being blown in and burnt in contact with the ignited coke.

In this case the blowpipe is simply fixed with the nozzle six inches above the coke, and the flame directed downward.

I will now, with a blowpipe and small foot blower, heat a short length of locomotive boiler tube to a brazing heat on the table; and, in conclusion, will convert the table into a small foundry.

"Now for the oxy-acetylene blowpipe," cried Kennedy as he advanced toward the steel door.

" Almost as he said it, the steel beneath the blowpipe became incandescent.

As it burns at the end of the nozzle it is broken into carbon and hydrogenthe carbon gives the high temperature, and the hydrogen forms a cone that protects the end of the blowpipe from being itself burnt up.

I asked, amazed at the skill with which he handled the blowpipe.

The best thing about this style of blowpipe is the ease with which it can be transported and the curious useslike the presentto which it can be put.

They use this blowpipe to cut it up, frequently.

The blowpipe is no longer an instrument for joining metals together, but for cutting them asunder.

This raid may cost a couple of dollars, as far as the blowpipe is concernedquite a difference from the thousands of dollars' loss that would follow an attempt to blow the door in.

Minute after minute sped by, as the line burned by the blowpipe cut straight from top to bottom.

BLOWPIPE, a contrivance by which a current of air is driven through a flame, and the flame directed upon some fusible substance to fuse or vitrify it.

37 examples of  blowpipe  in sentences