1402 examples of blunder in sentences

Pen grew weary of hearing the students and tutor blunder through a few lines of a play which he could read in a tenth part of the time which they gave to it.

Pen perceived the error under which his guardian was labouring, and in the midst of his misery the blunder caused the poor wretch a faint smile, and served to bring down the conversation from the tragedy-key in which Pen had been disposed to carry it on.

Meanwhile the laws of nature quietly operate to repair the blunder.

Eunané's blunder about the carcarâ was not explained by any subsequent errors of the ambau or carvee, which always selected the ripe fruit with faultless skill, leaving the immature untouched, and throwing aside in small heaps to manure the ground the few that had been allowed to grow too ripe for use.

"Kurt, you've made a very distressinga terrible and horrible blunder," she said, with a desperation that must have seemed something else to him.

Even if she did lose her power of speech she still could show him what his blunder was.

The second happened to be a great blunder for the soldier who invented it.

"Oh! Such a nasty littleWhy didWhat do you propose doing with it?" Rudolph shook his head, like a man caught in some stupid blunder.

The flagman's questions and Annie's answers were related quickly enough, and the cause of Michael's blunder was plain at once.

Her first impulse was to go back to the old treasurer, and explain to him his blunder.

The wretch that, after having seen the consequences of a thousand errours, continues still to blunder, and whose age has only added obstinacy to stupidity, is surely the object of either abhorrence or contempt, and deserves not that his grey head should secure him from insults.

Their blunder arose from their mistaking the word neuvième ninth, for nouvelle or neuve, new.

The date of Walpole's letter makes me suspect that Richard Burke dated his Jan. 6, 1775 (he should have written 1776), and that the blunder of a copyist has changed 1775 into 1773.

Consolation is clearly a blunder, Malone's conjecture mortification seems absurd.

CHAPTER XX. "But they who blunder thus are raw beginners.

But we shall make a serious blunder.

"He didn't mean nothing" Skinny interposed, sensing that Old Heck some way had made a blunder.

The shell which struck MacMahon withdrew him from the catastrophe; Ducrot's blunder, the inopportune order to retreat given to General Lebrun, is explained by the confused horror of the situation, and is rather an error than a fault.

He did not want to blunder, so he said nothing.

[Footnote 6: I take the change from the Quarto here to be no blunder.]

He will then sometimes, in his confusion, blunder into a truthful answer, but he does so generally with a bashful air, indicative of the painful consciousness that he has been reluctantly violating the rules of good breeding.

We intend here no assent to the early theory, or, at any rate, practice, of Wordsworth, who confounded plebeian modes of thought with rustic forms of phrase, and then atoned for his blunder by absconding into a diction more Latinized than that of any poet of his century.

In reality Scipio might bless the star of his genius, if it averted the consequences of his unpardonable blunder from himself and from his country.

He found then that in reckoning on Marius he had made a fatal blunder.

He had known well of the proposed marriage; but he was a man who could not think of two things at the same time, and thus had committed the blunder.

1402 examples of  blunder  in sentences