1402 examples of blundered in sentences

However, Aberdeen seems to have blundered him back again.

With chagrin he recognised that he had blundered, and that she, shrewd and clever, had taken advantage of his error.

"You tell me all this after you've blundered.

" "Blundered!

The big shaman blundered tentatively in his quest, and Scundoo smiled a wan, gray smile, for he was used to reading men, and all men seemed very small to him.

If she leaned over his shoulder he writhed himself away; if his hand blundered against hers he drew it back as if her touch burnt him.

Footsteps blundered about in the room above, and a large and rapidly widening patch of damp showed on the ceiling.

Mr. Nugent was about to speak, but, thinking better of it, turned and blundered into the kitchen.

he blundered, and went back to the woodshed.

Quitting him at last in a state of quiescence, I knocked over a person who had been attacking me in the rear, and then blundered into a passage, which I suppose to have been the front-hall, just as a light glimmered up in the rooms behind me.

" In the mean while the caravan blundered on, and came at last upon a town, near midnight.

Old Trumpeter staggered along, but not very unsteadily on the whole, until he got a little past the middle, when he blundered upon a stone on the bottom, which he could not see, and fell down on his knees.

As he blundered along the passage, looking for a seat, a jolt of the car, in starting, pitched him suddenly into the vacant place beside this man; and the open expanse of the large looking-glassfor it was that which the frame heldwas fairly smitten, like an insult of fate, into the very face of the unfortunate.

If he blundered, seeing the times in which we live, I am to blame, for I prayed him urgently to write.

Here lies the problem which more or less must be either solved or blundered over by all educators.

With a memory almost marvellous to retain those things which appealed to my imagination, I blundered painfully over the commonest tasks.

When I received my own great blessing thirty-five years ago, I was younger than you are now, and hadn't half the light you have, nor did I know exactly what to aim at, but blundered and suffered not a little....

Not all the strategy of the one or the philosophy of the other could save us from unpleasant moments when we blundered close to the lines of an unexpected enemy.

Some place fate, destiny, something had blundered.

First, he blundered in his talk as if he was thinking deeply of something else; then his face shone as it had been wont to light up in his boyhood when he was suddenly enraptured with himself; and lastly, down his cheek and into his beard there stole a tear of agony.

The wooden door-hinges creaked, and stumbling shins blundered against the benches.

And he met them right on that very loose board; and Stephen stood stock still, pertinaciously in the way, so that they dodged and blundered about him.

The men were dispirited; they knew very well that they had fought hard and had endured with the stoutness of good soldiers, but they were physically exhausted, and, above all, they felt that somebody had blundered in putting them unnecessarily into an awkward place.

No cow of Cathay blundered in front of the locomotive; no freight train came around a curve going in the opposite direction upon the same track; everything went smoothly and according to schedule.

He soon very nearly blundered into war with the Maoris, some of whom had been killing and eating certain of another tribethe last recorded instance of cannibalism in the country.

1402 examples of  blundered  in sentences