56 examples of bolshevists in sentences

If Germany goes over to the Spartacists it is inevitable that she should throw in her lot with the Russian Bolshevists.

If we are to offer Europe an alternative to Bolshevism we must make the League of Nations into something which will be both a safeguard to those nations who are prepared for fair dealing with their neighbours and a menace to those who would trespass on the rights of their neighbours, whether they are imperialist empires or imperialist Bolshevists.

Statements from the lips of General Wood and young Roosevelt to the effect that citizens should not argue with Bolshevists but meet them "head on" were very conspicuously displayed on all occasions.

Hang the Bolshevists.

And O my poor, my poor beloved RAMSAY; I much regret the rout That washed this couple absolutely out!" Dreadfully, too, the heart of TROTSKY bleeds, To match the stain upon his reeking sabre, Which is the blood of Russia, when he reads How BARNES, the champion knight of loyal Labour, Downed in the Lowland lists MACLEAN, the Red Hope of the Bolshevists.

By the time you'd read a leader in the Haste on the subject, you'd have got the impression that the strikers were Bolshevists helped by German money and aiming at a social revolution, instead of discontented, needy and greedy British workmen, grabbing at more money and less work, in the normal, greedy, human way we all have.

They were not idealists, and not Bolshevists, but frank grabbers, like most of us.

People who didn't like Carson called him a Bolshevist; people who didn't like manual labourers called them Bolshevists.

Lloyd George called the strikers Bolshevists, so did plenty of other people.

They're Bolshevists at heart.

'Mr. Arthur Gideon, a well-known British journalist' ... first beaten nearly to death by White soldiery, because he was, entirely in vain, defending some poor Jewish family from their wrath ... then found by Bolshevists and disposed of ... somehow ... because he was an Englishman.... 7 A placard for the press.

Bolshevists please note.

The report that the Bolshevists have borrowed a "Big Bertha" and are meditating a bombardment of Lisbon by way of reprisal is as yet unconfirmed.

Though dismal Jeremiahs wail Of Bolshevists within our gates, And, though the Master of The M**l In sad seclusion vegetates, The rising tide of gloom recoils Once the inspiring news is known That mines are good in spots, and oils Maintain a healthy undertone.

(By special cable to The Daily Thrill.)Three men, named Fedor Popemoff, Leon Strunski and Igor Wunderbaum, were arrested here this morning on suspicion of being Bolshevist agents.

(By special cable to The Daily Thrill.)While truffle-tracking in the Saratoga forest a corporal and three men of the United States Marines came upon what is believed to be a cache of Bolshevist arms.

On one of them was found Bolshevist literature and two hundred million francs in notes of the Deutsche Bank.

He was very despondent, and stated that, owing to false reports spread by the Allies, the Bolshevist paper money had become worthless, except in Paris, where they would take anything you had on you.

" *** The Bolshevists have their trials just like human beings.

*** The Bolshevists in Russia, we are told, are busy sowing seeds of sedition.

For some time it has been suspected that the Bolshevists were up to no good.

His statement that he was deporting Bolshevists every day was satisfactory so far as it went, but left the House wondering how they had been permitted to get here.

Mr. WELLS, who contributes an illuminating Preface, points out that the troubles of Russia are entirely due to the cutting off of the supplies of caravan tea from China (the leading Bolshevists prefer vodka to tea in any form) and the consequent recourse to inferior synthetic substitutes.

And it's not the Bolshevists in Russia I'm thinking ofit's the followers of them in Britain and America, no matter what they choose to call themselves.

Would a few officers mind being detailed for the hundred-and-twenty-first course in the use of Private House Grenades, 13th of this month? (5) BOOTS, BOLSHEVISTS FOR THE USE OF, ISSUE OF.

56 examples of  bolshevists  in sentences