1049 examples of bombed in sentences

The shelling of the cavalry during the day had been rather hot, and enemy airmen had occasionally bombed them.

They had to clear a maze of trenches and dug-outs, but they bombed out of existence the machine-gunners opposing them and had settled the possession of Umbrella Hill in half an hour.

Our aircraft had bombed the road, and the dead men, cattle and horses, and smashed transport were ghastly sights and made the air offensive.

Heave!"] As we passed through Muzzano, the town and road were heavily bombed.

They had bombed the station for the last three nights, I heard.

They bombed the railway several times during our journey, and once, when a bomb fell near our train, there was a rumour that the engine driver had gone away and left us standing.

An enemy plane came over and bombed Treviso, when we were in the station square, trying in vain to find a conveyance.

There were concrete gunpits about the positions in front of the town, which was flooded from the Steenbeke River, but the infantry divided and bombed their way about on either side until they had encircled the town and passed beyond, where the Germans could be seen running away.

The Canadians bombed their way systematically through these defenses, silencing the machine guns and clearing out the defenders.

ALLIES CONTROL IN THE AIR German aeroplanes played no great part in the advance, although they bombed the British and French rear nightly, and the air service of the Allies proved superior throughout the battle.

We had been in Germany for some distance and had reached our objective and bombed it.

After we bombed, my observer and I dived down on some villages and used our own guns on them.

It was entirely a Canadian battle, and while the losses of the devoted troops from the Dominion probably reached the regrettable total of over 6,000, including a number of men captured by the Germans during the first day's attack, when they overran the front trenches, they doggedly bombed and bayoneted their way back to the wrecked trenches next day and regained nearly all their front.

Many casualties were inflicted on the enemy, his dug-outs were bombed and some prisoners were secured.


"That's the plane that would have bombed Berlin if the war had lasted long enough.

The story had to do with the defense of seal fisheries against the Japs, and Jones was sure that a Japanese seal-poaching boat had bombed them.

" There were no more shells, but that afternoon a Taube paid another of its frequent visits and vigorously bombed the railway station again, driving the inhabitants back once more to the inadequate shelter of their cellars and basements.

One telephonist was handed an urgent message to send off, saying that bombs were running short in the forward line and that further supplies were required at the earliest possible moment, that the line was being severely bombed and unless they had the means to reply must be driven out or destroyed.

Meanwhile the Kaiser, with a sublime disregard for sunk hospital-ships and bombed hospitals, continues to exhibit his bleeding heart to an astonished world.

"The R.F.C. on the same day bombed the junction.

Migwan had not caught a clear glimpse of the creature and was still uncertain whether the house had been bombed or a wild elephant had broken loose.

"We bombed them out" meant a section of trench taken by throwing bombs.

There was nothing gruesome about listening to a diffident soldier explaining how he "bombed them out," and you shared his amusement over the surprise of a German who stuck up his head from a dug-out within a foot of the face of a British soldier who was peeping inside to see if any more Germans were at home.

Dug-outs were bombed, emplacements destroyed, and a respectable bag of captives brought over.

1049 examples of  bombed  in sentences