24 examples of bon-bon in sentences

This is all done in what he considers facetious play, with a view to giving you a hint to examine your pockets, and see what bon-bons you have got for him, as he munches cakes and comfits with epicurean gout; and if the door be ajar, he will gravely take his station behind your chair at meal-time, like a lackey, giving you an admonitory kick every now and then, if you fail to help him as well as yourself.

The general mode of putting a dessert on table, now the elegant tazzas are fashionable, is, to place them down the middle of the table, a tall and short dish alternately; the fresh fruits being arranged on the tall dishes, and dried fruits, bon-bons, &c., on small round or oval glass plates.

These, with a few fancy biscuits, crystallized fruit, bon-bons, &c., are sufficient for an ordinary dessert.

When fresh fruit cannot be obtained, dried and foreign fruits, compotes, baked pears, stewed Normandy pippins, &c. &c., must supply its place, with the addition of preserves, bon-bons, cakes, biscuits, &c. At fashionable tables, forced fruit is served growing in pots, these pots being hidden in more ornamental ones, and arranged with the other dishes.(See coloured plate W1.)

"I sent him for some bon-bons," said Lady Nora.

In idle frivolities his time was passed, neglectful of the great interests which were intrusted to him to guard; and the only attainment of which he was proud was a knack of making tarts and bon-bons, with which he frequently regaled his visitors.

I'm surfeited now with pictures and jewelry, and bon-bon boxes, and little china dogs and catsand all these things that get so thick you can't move without upsetting some of them.


In the laughter and confusion, presents too bulky or too frail to be risked in a fall were placed near her,a long box of pink roses, a tall vase of cut-glass, a big, big box of candy, a pretty bon-bon dish, a small fern, and a little begonia with lovely pink blossoms.

It's a wonderful place, little boy, little boy, And its city is Sugarplum Town, Where the slightest breeze through the candy trees Will tumble the bon-bons down; Where the fountains sprinkle their lemonade In syrupy, cooling streams; And they pave each street with a goody, sweet, And mark them off in a manner neat, With borders of chocolate creams.

Twopence?)will best account for the interval which has elapsed since the commencement of our designwith a View of London; but were all travellers as tardy, the Grand Tour of Europe would occupy many years, and leave fashion-mongers but little more than rouge, wrinkles, and bon-bons to delight their friends at home.

And the impossibility of correcting such a mistake without putting herself in an absurd position actually stopped the Rollins speech, andLord help me!I thought that mouth could only be closed by bon-bons and a man's kissesany man's, par exemple.

He had only to say a kind word to her, to leave a book or a box of bon-bons in her desk (if he did leave bon-bons) for Charlotte's fire to work on him.

He had only to say a kind word to her, to leave a book or a box of bon-bons in her desk (if he did leave bon-bons) for Charlotte's fire to work on him.

And she of the great blue eyes took out of her pocket a little French box of bon-bons and emptied it into his hand, and she said "You need not be afraid to eat thesethey are very goodand

It is with them a kind of bon-bon eaten in a powdered and roasted state, without having had any connexion with hot water.

To the day of his death, some fourteen or fifteen years ago, he never would charge a cent for shaving, or cutting the hair of any of the family, children, or grand-children; and on New Year's day, he frequently sent a box of figs, or raisins, or bon-bons, in token of grateful remembrance.

And behold three of those foolish lads have brought her gilt and painted boxes of bon-bons, over which there was a prodigious giggling and semi-refusing and bantering among the young folks, worrying Emily and me excessively, though we knew it would not do to interfere.

When the nervous ones had been convinced that no one had been caught by the tide or fallen off the rocks, Jane explained that Metelill had given one box of bon-bons to the children, who were to be served with one apiece all round every day.

"Only they did so want to get rid of the bon-bons!

"There subsists," observed he, "a mysterious elective affinity between the grisette and the chocolate bon-bon.

" Chatting thus, and laughing, we made our way across the Boulevard and through a net-work of by-streets into the Rue Vivienne, where we laid siege to a great bon-bon shopa gigantic depot for dyspepsia at so much per kilogrammeand there filled our pockets with sweets of every imaginable flavor and color.

I might have answered, in bouquets, opera stalls, and riding horses; in dress coats, tight boots, and white kid gloves; in new books, new music, bon-bons, cabs, perfumery, and the like inexcusable follies.

We did it at St. Awdry's, with bon-bons and trumpery, in a little conservatory, hardly large enough to turn round in.

24 examples of  bon-bon  in sentences