52 examples of booklover in sentences


The Booklover's Library is now accepted as one of the most successful ventures of recent years.

Here are the eighteen titles which are now available: First titles in the BOOKLOVER'S LIBRARY No. 1. HAWORTH PARSONAGE by Isabel C. Clarke Sphere.

Treasury for booklovers.

Treasury for booklovers.

I was reading the other day an essay by the late head of my old college at Oxford, that very learned and remarkable man Mark Pattison, who was a booklover if ever there was one.

* Booklovers Magazine: with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ......... $3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, .........

2.00 Booklover's Magazine ............. 1 yr.

2.50 with any two in class A ............................... 2.50 with World's Work or any one in class B ............... 3.25 with Booklovers and Outing ............................

$1.00 Booklover's Magazine ............. 1 yr.

$3.00 Booklover's Magazine ............ 1 yr.

$3.00 Journal of Education ............ 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B or C page 2 Booklover's Magazine ............ 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 LIST OF PERIODICALS IN CLASS A AND B ON PAGE 2 Send me only $5.50: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr.

* Our price 4.00 for the three: OUTING ............................$3.00 World's Work, or Review of Reviews, or Booklover's Magazine, or Independent, or Critic ........................

$3.00 Booklover's or World's Work .......... 1 yr. $3.00 Or any one in class B Success .............................. 1 yr. 1.00 * *

* Send me only $5.25: The Independent ...................... $2.00 World's Work ......................... $3.00 Or any one in class B Booklover's Magazine .................

$3.00 Booklovers Magazine .................. 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C Page 2 * * * *

3.00 Booklover's Magazine ............... 1 yr.

3.35 Atlantic Monthly with Scribner's Magazine ..................... 6.35 with Booklover s Magazine ....................

7.35 with Etude and Booklover ..................... 6.75 with Review of Reviews and Success ........... 6.00 2 00 Charities, (F.P. .60) (n. 1.80) ..............

3.00 Country Life in America with Success and Leslie's Monthly ............ 3.75 with Booklover's Magazine ....................

4.25 Judge with Cosmopolitan and Pearson's .............. 5.25 with Smart Set or Burr McIntosh .............. 5.75 with Booklover or Review of Reviews .......... 5.75 with Outing or Ill.

5.00 with Rev. of Rev. or World's Work ............ 5.75 with Booklover or Independent ................

3.00 Reader's Magazine with Booklover's or any class B or C .........

2.00 with any three of the above .................. 2.50 with Review of Reviews and Success ........... 3.00 with Booklover and Leslies ................... 3.25 1.00 Telephone Magazine, Chi. (F.P. .50) ..........

Give it the same attention that the lover gives his loved one; the musician his favorite composition; the artist his favorite work of art; and the booklover his favorite bookwhen you have accomplished this, you have mastered concentration, and will be able to apply the mind "one pointed" upon anything you wish, physical or astral; and, consequently will have no trouble in shutting-out disturbing impressions.

52 examples of  booklover  in sentences