59343 examples of books in sentences

I come by it on the way home and I kep' a-seein' folks goin' in with books and comin' out with books.

I come by it on the way home and I kep' a-seein' folks goin' in with books and comin' out with books.

Lady Fanny used to relate what a great event it was for the household at Minto when on very rare occasions her father brought from London a parcel of new books, which were eagerly opened by the family and read with delight.

Those were not the days of circulating libraries, and both the old standard books on the Minto library shelves and the few new ones occasionally added were read and re-read with a thoroughness rare among modern readers, surrounded by a multiplicity of books old and new.

Those were not the days of circulating libraries, and both the old standard books on the Minto library shelves and the few new ones occasionally added were read and re-read with a thoroughness rare among modern readers, surrounded by a multiplicity of books old and new.

They were required to instruct the children, to teach them to read the Scriptures and other poems and useful books, to ground them thoroughly in the Church catechism, and to repeat "morning and evening prayers and graces composed for their use at home.

He was of the opinion, too, that were some of the slaves taught to read, were they sent to school for that purpose when young, were they given the New Testament and other good books to be read at night to their fellow-servants, such a course would vastly increase their knowledge of God and direct their minds to a serious thought of futurity.

He was then using his own spelling-book, primer, and grammar, some of the first text-books published in America.

He thought that Christianity and humanity would have rather dictated the sending of books and teachers into Africa and endeavors for their salvation.]

Learning these things, the owner of Ellicott Mills became very much interested in this man of inventive genius, lent him books, and encouraged him in his chosen field.

And then he began talking to me and gave me books.

But the love for the books came back, and through the books, and through this friend, came the splendid saving vision.

But the love for the books came back, and through the books, and through this friend, came the splendid saving vision.

I tore into books like a madman.

She wished Katie would not read such strange books; she was sure Walt Whitman, for one, could not be a good influence.

They read the same kind of books that you read.

ter clear his throat; And then he'll say: "Dear scholars, I am glad ter see yer here, A-drinkin'erthe crystal fount of lore; Here with your books, anderanderyour teacher kind and dear, And withahemeras I said before.

Her books, her work-box, all are there, And still the snowy curtains bear

Again: "There is affirmative evidence for Moses's being the author of these books."Bp.

"The first argument you produce against Moses being the author of these books."Ib., p. 29.

"If several nouns in the genitive case, are immediately connected by a conjunction, the apostrophic s is annexed to the last, but understood to the rest; as, Neither John (i. e. John's) nor Eliza's books.

But they ought to remember, that the preposition is used more frequently than the possessive, and in a variety of senses that cannot be interpreted by this case; as, "Of some of the books of each of these classes of literature, a catalogue will be given at the end of the work.

But a recent school critic teaches differently, thus: "When different things of the same name belong to different possessors, the sign should be annexed to each; as, Adams's, Davies's, and Perkins' Arithmetics; i. e., three different books.

To speak of the two books only, say," Olmstead's Philosophy and Comstock's." OBS.

So, according to the books, a cat-head, a cat's-head, and a cat's head, are three very different things; yet what Webster writes, cat-tail, Johnson, cats-tail, Walker and others, cats-tail, means but the same thing, though not a cat's tail.

59343 examples of  books  in sentences