4 examples of boomstick in sentences

In the waters beside and lining the beach floated innumerable logs, confined by boomsticks, hundreds of trunks of fir, forty and sixty feet long, four and six feet across the butt, timber enough, when it had passed through the sawmills, to build four such towns as Hopyard.

" CHAPTER VI THE DIGNITY (?) OF TOIL By such imperceptible degrees that she was scarce aware of it, Stella took her place as a cog in her brother's logging machine, a unit in the human mechanism which he operated skilfully and relentlessly at top speed to achieve his desired endone million feet of timber in boomsticks by September the first.

She could not see where it made much difference to her whether ten logs a day or a hundred came down to the boomsticks.

Log after log slid down the chute to float behind the boomsticks; and at night the loggers trooped home, soaked to the skin, to hang their steaming mackinaws around the bunkhouse stove.

4 examples of  boomstick  in sentences