73 examples of boost in sentences

Help me boost him on deck.

Next he called one of the sailors to "boost" him, and was soon perched on the flat slant of a huge rock which formed, as it were, the keystone to the blockade.

At the Restoration, partly by the boost of influence, but chiefly by his substantial merit, he mounted to several successively higher posts.

But I bet Si didn't take any more trouble with you than to have some colours in his mouth, to spit in the shovel or the pan, when you wasn't lookin'just enough to drive you crazy, and get you to boost him into a Recordership.

Joe Wegg says he'll furnish you with what power you need free of all charge, because the paper will boost Millville's interests, with which his own interests are identified.

The Delafield Daily Dispatch carried at its masthead every afternoon one or more of such slogans as these: "Be a Delafield Booster," "Boost for more Industries," "Put Delafield on the Map," "Double Delafield in Half a Decade," "Delafield, the Darling of Destiny," "Watch Delafield Grow, but Don't Stop Boosting to Rubber.

We will boost for Delafield therefore, but we will first be careful.

They would push, they would shove, they would "boost," they would arch both their straight backs as pedestals for her tiptoe; and at the same time, by some sweet prodigy of mechanics, she would pull them up and up with her.

" "When it rained you hurried over to boost the price.

I tell you he means to boost us.

My word, I could scarcely walk, and as for climbing a ship's ladderI could never have done if some one hadn't given me a boost behind and some one else a hand at the top.

"Remember the Friars do more for the actors than they are given credit for, so it's up to you to help boost.

When finally she spoke, it was to deliver an impressive boost: "Bertie, do you read Tennyson?"

[Fr.]; cant; elbow, shoulder, jostle, justle^, hustle, hurtle, shove, jog, jolt, encounter; run against, bump against, butt against; knock one's head against, run one's head against; impinge; boost [U.S.]; bunt, carom, clip y; fan, fan out; jab, plug [Slang].

Industries and the workers go forward by actual work, not on manipulation of stocks, bonds, laws and schemes to wreck or boost for temporary gain of some one interest.

I used to think the Prohibition party would be our Moses, but that has only gone so far as to say, "You boost us upon a high and mighty pedestal, and when we see our way clear to pull you after us we will venture to do so; but you can not expect it while we run any risk of becoming unpopular thereby.

I'm going to boost this market right through till the last bell rings, and from now on Curtis Jadwin spells b-u-double lbull.

It's given the paper a big boost.

The same quality that enabled him, voiceless though he was, to boost a song to success, was making his plea sound plausible in Terry's ears now.

When a man delivers the goods we boost him; when he fails we fire him.

When he had concluded reading the article Anderson realized that it was no more than a boost for the city editor, who it was plain to be seen, had uncovered the story bit by bit, greatly to the confusion of the police and the detective bureau.

Film version of "The Snake pit" will boost better mental hospitals.

abroad under title: The boost of the Golden Snail.

Judge Stone waited a moment, and gave her a boost at the elbow as she skipped up the step.

By the way, he has just given me a most handsome boost in salary, for which I am most appreciative.

73 examples of  boost  in sentences