44 examples of borde in sentences

Virgilius kyvered the hole ageyne with the borde close, and so was the devyll begyled, and myght nat there come out agen, but abideth shutte still therein" ("Romance of Virgilius").

Borde, Bourdette, farm-house, barn, cot.

But Warton places Scogan in the reign of Edward IV., and reduces him to the level of Court Jester, his authority being Dr. Andrew Borde, who, early in the sixteenth century, published a volume of his platitudes.

Piso commends frications, Andrew Borde a good draught of strong drink before one goes to bed; I say, a nutmeg and ale, or a good draught of Muscadine, with a toast and nutmeg, or a posset of the same, which many use in a morning, but methinks, for such as have dry brains, are much more proper at night; some prescribe a sup of vinegar as they go to bed, a spoonful, saith Aetius Tetrabib.

Al llegar ésta al borde del precipicio, se detuvo un instante sin saber qué partido tomar.

Fija la mirada en aquel fantástico ejercito de nubes que parecían correr al asalto de la peña sobre cuyo pico íba á morir la bruja, yo estaba esperando por instantes cuando se abrían sus senos para abortar á la diabólica multitud de espíritus malignos, comenzando una lucha horrible al borde del derrumbadero, entre los que estaban allí para hacer justicia en la bruja

Mira, la fuente brota escondida en el seno de una peña, y cae resbalándose gota á gota por entre las verdes y flotantes hojas de las plantas que crecen al borde de su cuna.

Mientras ella hablaba así, el joven, absorto en la contemplación de su fantástica hermosura, atraído como por una fuerza desconocida, se aproximaba más y más al borde de la roca.

y la mujer misteriosa le llamaba al borde del abismo, donde estaba suspendida, y parecía ofrecerle un beso ...

En tanto que éstas permanecían recostadas aún al borde del agua con los azules ojos adormidos, aspirando con voluptuosidad el perfume de las flores y estremeciéndose ligeramente al contacto de la fresca brisa, aquellas danzaban en vertiginosa ronda, entrelazando caprichosamente sus manos, dejando caer atrás

Noble ó villano, señor ó pechero, , cualquiera que seas, que te detienes un instante al borde de mi sepultura, cree en Dios, como yo he creído,

] II Pastores, que seguís con lento paso vuestras ovejas que pacen derramadas por las colinas y las llanuras; si al conducirlas al borde del transparente riachuelo que corre, forcejea y salta por entre los peñascos del valle de Montagut en el rigor del verano, y en

Yo estaba sentado al borde de un camino, por donde siempre vuelven menos de los que van.

XLIII Dejé la luz á un lado, y en el borde De la revuelta cama me senté, Mudo, sombrío, la pupila inmóvil Clavada en la pared.

borde, m., edge, border, brink, bank. bordón, m., staff.

Le rivage etoit aussi borde de roches, contre lesquelles la mer brisoit avec d'efroiables mugissemens.

Take out $20 to pay their borde, and it leaves them in debt.


"Mr. Bindley," says Dibdin, "is in possession of the original impression of Borde's Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, which was successively in the collection of West and Pearson.

Dibdin's mistake perhaps originated in the last page of the work preceding Borde, which is bound up with four other works, having the following: "Imprinted at London in Fleetestrete by Henry Wykes.

Also, in answer to Dr. Maitland's Query respecting the fate of Bindley's copy of Borde's Dyetary of Health, 1567, in a priced copy of the Catalogue now before me, the name of Rodd stands as the purchaser for eleven shillings.

[Sidenote: The wilde people came on borde their ships and seemed very friendly.]

wherevpon the first of Nouember we sailed close to the towne with all our ships, and set vpon to two Iauan shippes, wherein we found to the number of 30. slaues, that knew nothing of their maisters bargaine made with vs, so that they began to resist vs, wherewith we shot among them, and presently slew 4. or 5. of them, the rest leapt ouer borde, and swamme to land, which done we tooke the two ships, and put their lading into ours;

The 26. of Ianuarie our Pinace sent her boat to land, to see the Riuer, and there one of our men was sent on shore, but when he was on land he found nothing, but an armie of ten thousand men, that ment to relieue the towne of Ballaboam, and the Riuer was nothing worth to lade water, wherevpon our men came on borde againe: Their Generall thought to haue gotten some great pray out of our shippes.

The 7. our man came on borde againe, and brought vs newes how Rodenburgh with one of the Portingalles slaues, being on lande were against their willes led before the King, but the saylors of the Mauritius had gotten men for pledges.

44 examples of  borde  in sentences