5038 examples of bordering in sentences

The young Burr, on the death of his father and grandfather, inherited what was then considered as a fortune, and was graduated at Princeton in 1772, with no enviable reputation, being noted for his idleness and habits bordering on dissipation.

7 Numid[)i]a, an ancient and celebrated kingdom of Africa, bordering on Mauritania; Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, etc. N[=y]mphaeum, a promontory of Illyricum, exposed to the south wind, and distant about three miles from Lissus, Alessio, C. iii.

59 Roxol[-a]ni, a people of Scythia Europaea, bordering upon the Alani; their country, anciently called Roxolonia, is now Red Russia R[)u]t[-e]ni, an ancient people of Gaul, to the north-west of the Volcae Arecomici, occupying the district now called Le Rauergne.

Herbert says it is fifty English miles over, and 1500 long Taximagulus, one of the four kings or princes that reigned over Kent, G. v. 22 Tect[)o]s[)a]ges, a branch of the Volcae, G. vi. 24 Tegea, a city of Africa, unknown Tenchth[)e]ri, a people of ancient Germany, bordering on the Rhine, near Overyssel; they and the Usip[)e]tes arrive at the banks of the Rhine, iv.

31 Teut[)o]nes, or Teutoni, an ancient people bordering on the Cimbri, the common ancient name for all the Germans, whence they yet call themselves Teutsche, and their country Teutschland; they are repelled from the territories of the Belgae, G. ii.

The maine of the Turkes countrie is bordering on it within one mile, for the which cause they are in great subiection.

near, nigh; close at hand, near at hand; close, neighboring; bordering upon, contiguous, adjacent, adjoining; proximate, proximal; at hand, handy; near the mark, near run; home, intimate.

Adj. definite; conterminate^, conterminable^; terminal, frontier; bordering.

It was, in fact, the general wish that the King should come to Hungary; even the most radical journals loudly declared that if he came he would be received with enthusiasm bordering on madness.

No more From the high terraces, at even-tide, To look supine into thy depths of sky, The golden moon between the cliff and me, Or thy dark spires of fretted cypresses Bordering the channel of the milky way.

The city of Ecbatana, or Tauris, is the usual residence of Uzun-Hassan; Persepolis, or Shiras, which is twenty-four days journey from thence, being the last city of his empire, bordering on the Zagathais, who are the sons of Buzech, sultan of the Tartars, and with whom he is continually at war.

We were now approaching the section of country bordering on the Rio Pecos, one of the most barren and desolate portions on our whole route.

In the long grassy jungles bordering the Koosee he is not generally met with.

On many of the banks bordering the roads, thatching grass, or rather strong upright waving grass, with a beautiful feathery plume, is planted.

On one occasion, on the Koosee derahs, that is, the plains bordering the river, an enraged tiger, passing through a herd of buffaloes, broke the backs of two of the herd, giving each a stroke right and left as he went along.

A strong west wind was blowing, and dense clouds of sand were being swept athwart our line, from the vast plains of fine white sand bordering the river for miles.

Advantages, too, have resulted to our agricultural interests from the state of the trade between Canada and our Territories and States bordering on the St. Lawrence and the Lakes which may prove more than equivalent to the loss sustained by the discrimination made to favor the trade of the northern colonies with the West Indies.

Upon his arrival, and before he had delivered his letters of credence, he was met by an order of the British council excluding from and after the 1st of December now current the vessels of the United States from all the colonial British ports excepting those immediately bordering on our territories.

At the commencement of the last session of Congress they were informed of the sudden and unexpected exclusion by the British Government of access in vessels of the United States to all their colonial ports, except those immediately bordering upon our own territories.

This guard would also tend to protect the whole country bordering on the bay and rivers emptying into it, as the hazard would be too great for the enemy, however strong his naval force, to ascend the bay and leave such a naval force behind; since, in the event of a storm, whereby his vessels might be separated, or of a calm, the ships and steam batteries behind the works might rush forth and destroy them.

The Indian is, as we have before hinted, frequently reduced to a state bordering on starvation, and in a day after he may be burdened with superabundance of food.

Without them the Government will be powerless to redeem its pledge of protection to the emigrating Indians against the numerous warlike tribes that surround them and to provide for the safety of the frontier settlers of the bordering States.

Instead of this, we propose to exhibit the state of society in all the slaveholding region bordering on the Atlantic, by the testimony of the slaveholders themselves, corroborated by a few plain facts.

Leaving the companies to form on the long meadow bordering the shore, we set out for the Doon, three miles distant.

The whole aspect of the war would have been changed, and there would have been great strategical movements perilous to both sides, instead of the siege war of the trenches in which both sides played for safety and established for many months a position bordering upon stalemate.

5038 examples of  bordering  in sentences