5 examples of bottle-shaped in sentences

And then, as they approached the monstrous, uncouth line of bottle-shaped buildings which marked the smelting-works of Croxley, their long, writhing snake of dust was headed off by another but longer one which wound across their path.

Saavedra said that he had found near his house several bottle-shaped cists lined with stones, with a flat stone on topevidently ancient graves.

Aryballus: A bottle-shaped vase with pointed bottom.

That the crayfish retreats as the water in the ground falls lower and lower is proved by the fact that at various intervals there are bottled-shaped cavities marking the end of the burrow at an earlier period.

The woman had also the same bottle-shaped basket slung over her neck, as before remarked, and containing white and red earths for painting their bodies.

5 examples of  bottle-shaped  in sentences