36 examples of bounded off in sentences

Suddenly a wild excited look came into his eyes, and, leaping up with a shrill cry, which caused all the horses to look round at him, he once more snatched Martin up, and holding him firmly gripped to his ribby side by his arm, bounded off to where a mare was standing giving suck to her young foal.

And with the words, he bounded off to the right, firing his gun to confuse the chase.

Csmilingly interrupted me by an instant compliance with my demand; on which, without a moment's delay, I bounded off, breathless and semi-frantic, towards my arch fiend's Pandaemonium at High Holborn.

He bounded off with fear, and swiftly ran O'er craggy mountains, and the flowery plain; 80 Through brakes and thickets forced his way, and flew Through many a ring, where once he did pursue.

"'Go and get me a cab!' "The child bounded off like a ball by the Rue Quartre-Vents; then they were alone a few minutes, face to face, and a little embarrassed.

He led Charlie in one hand, and Emma in the other out on the green grass in the lot, and picked for them the pretty wild-flowers which were springing up everywhere among it, while Rover ran along by their side, or bounded off in a merry frolic.

The tiger scratched and growled and finally bounded off the top and began a vigorous assault upon the side.

It struck him a smarting whack on the instep, and bounded off outside the foul-line; and while he limped painfully after it, there was time even for the sleepy Sleepy to reach the plate and score a run.

As she spoke she bounded off across the field, the two boys after her, and in less time than it takes to tell it they had run through the tall yellow grass, jumped the border, and stood upon the edge of the wood.

" They bounded off along the iron track,the great steam pulse throbbed no faster than in time to their bright young eagerness.

She bounded off along the slippery pine-needled path and disappeared behind a curtain of foliage.

The stillness of the bright and balmy hour was broken by the heavy footsteps of the zealous father: at the sound the startled deer, shaking the dew from their sides, sprang up from their lair, and as they bounded off, "Hah," exclaimed Cuddy, "what a noble haunch goes there!how delicious it would look smoking upon a goodly platter.

" To which he answer'd, "I will not do so;" Then bounded off as though he had not heard her, And reached a fording-place, but not so low As where Groze cross'd, and who had now got further Than John would have thought possible, although He'd a good-horse, and nearly half an hour In startbut now the clouds began to lower.

Their dogs, even, recognized this great-cry-little-wool condition of things, and bounded off joyously at the start, but came home crestfallen, with an air of canine humiliation that would have aroused Mr. Mayhew's tenderest sympathies.

He had therefore brought her a companion, which had no sooner been landed on the Reef, than it bounded off to make acquaintance with the stranger on the elevation.

"Get a quarter's worth, Howard," and the slave bounded off, to return with a splendid rosy garland of the stuff, still warm and odorous.

He stopped for a moment to collect himselflooked round as though he had lost his way, and knew not whither to proceed; then bounded off again, the hunted deer not quicker in his flight, and instantly was out of sight.

I had always supposed that armadillos merely shuffled along, and curled up for protection when menaced; and I was almost as surprised as if I had seen a turtle gallop when these two armadillos bounded off at a run, going as fast as rabbits.

Shall I run and get the letter-bag as he passes the gate?" "Yes, do," they all cried; and the boy bounded off full of fun, greeting the postman with such a burst of merry apostrophe, that the man shook with laughing at him.

The old lady fairly bounded off the bed.

She must have been showered and stung with gravel, for she bounded off to the left and disappeared in the cedars.

With shrill ki-yi the pups bounded off, apparently frantic to make up for misbehavior.

you damned" He struck Sir George's horse with the flat of his hanger; the horse bounded off, followed by four of McCraw's riders, pistols cocked and hatchets loosened.

Sport bounded off on the track like a shot, and Lightfoot followed close after.

He bounded off the bench, interrupting me with a low cry.

36 examples of  bounded off  in sentences