2499 examples of bowls in sentences

This involves tea-cloths, mops, dusters, washing bowls, brushes and dustpans.

No sound is heard from their alms-bowls and other utensils.

When any want, they take their great bowls, and go to the place of distribution, and take as much as the vessels will hold, all returning with them full.

When Maitreya shall be about to attain to perfect Wisdom and become Buddha, it will again separate into four bowls, which will return to the top of mount Anna, whence they came.

After Maitreya has become Buddha, the four deva kings will again think of the Buddha with their bowls as they did in the case of the previous Buddha.

Seyavi made flaring, flat-bottomed bowls, cooking pots really, when cooking was done by dropping hot stones into water-tight food baskets, and for decoration a design in colored bark of the procession of plumed crests of the valley quail.

Seyavi's bowls are wonders of technical precision, inside and out, the palm finds no fault with them, but the subtlest appeal is in the sense that warns us of humanness in the way the design spreads into the flare of the bowl.

If you had ever owned one of Seyavi's golden russet cooking bowls with the pattern of plumed quail, you would understand all this without saying anything.

A table covered with a cloth was laid around three sides of the room, and on this was spread hardtack and huge bowls of berries of different colours.

But I, that neither care to say nor sing, Come to seek that preaching hate and prayer, And while they mumble up their orisons, We'll play a game at bowls.

You do not care, Let old men care for graves, we for our sports; Off with your gown, there lies my hat and cloak, The bowls there quickly, ho? SKINK.

Enter PORTER with bowls.

'Twas Skink in Gloster's gown, whom you did visit, That play'd at bowls, and after stole your clothes, While you went into the Lord Morton's chamber.

She is followed by four female slaves, laden with straw baskets, wooden bowls, and earthen pots; after them appear two other bullocks carrying the remainder of the fair bride's dowry.

Those should expect rubbers who play at bowls; if people pull their own chestnuts out of the fire they must compound for burnt fingers; and when you wager a living, loving, trustful heart against an organ of wax, gutta-percha, or Aberdeen granite, don't be surprised if you get the worst of the game all through.

But thou, with kind affection (which at times Seem'd like a gentle daughter's tender love, At times assum'd to my enraptur'd heart The modest inclination of a bride), Didst so inthral me, as with magic bowls, That I forgot my duty.

The visitor can see to-day, in every one of their dwarf palaces, some of his malachite vases, or porcelain bowls, or porphyry columns.

And the wife prepared bowls full of rice-gruel, and every one, children and all, ate the rice-gruel till the skins on their stomachs felt quite tight.

You may also find a pot or skillet, and generally a number of gourds, which serve them instead of bowls and plates.

You may also find a pot or skillet, and generally a number of gourds, which serve them instead of bowls and plates.

Nothing in the room was modern except some uncommonly comfortable sofas and chairs, and the pink and yellow roses that stood about in Chinese bowls.

I took it for granted that they stopped on the road to dine, and spent a long afternoon in smoking, {34} napping, or playing at bowls.


It may be shaped into balls with the hands or pressed in large cups or bowls.

They carry the sweepings and ashes in baskets or bowls to the fields and leave them there.

2499 examples of  bowls  in sentences