384 examples of brandish in sentences

<Burn, brun, brand> (burn): (1 and 2 combined) burn, burnish, brunette, brunt, bruin, brand, brandish, brandy, brown.

Wave (verb), brandish, flourish, flaunt, wigwag.

swell'd his pate, Now thought himself this Hero, and now that: "And now," he cried, "I will Achilles be; My sword I brandish; see, the Trojans flee.

The tongue is a sharp and perilous weapon, which we are bound to keep up in the sheath, or never to draw forth but advisedly, and upon just occasion; it must ever be wielded with caution and care: to brandish it wantonly, to lay about with it blindly and furiously, to slash and smite therewith any that happeneth to come in our way, doth argue malice or madness.

We have shown that we are strong indeed, but that our force is made ineffectual by our cowardice; that when we threaten most loudly, we perform nothing; that we draw our swords but to brandish them, and only wait an opportunity to sheath them in such a manner, as not plainly to confess that we dare not strike.

Mr. Rushton's entrance does not attract his attention; he continues to brandish his ruler and to repeat his poem.

Every other warrior holds his pipe between his teeth, and all brandish nondescript weapons, like their enemies, the Irish.

230 Soon as the youth beheld him, vexed with heat, Brandish his sting, and in his poison sweat, Half dead with sudden fear he dropped the reins; The horses felt them loose upon their manes, And, flying out through all the plains above, Ran uncontrolled where'er their fury drove; Rushed on the stars, and through a pathless way Of unknown regions hurried on the day.

brandish, shake, flourish.

This is the man I am fain to praise, and trust that not outside the ring shall I hurl the bronze-tipped javelin I brandish in my hand, but with far throw outdo my rivals in the match.

It is pleasant to see them brandish great masses of shadow.

Some rugged ruffian makes a hideous rout Brandish thy cudgel, threaten him to baste; The filthy fungus far from thee cast out; Such noxious banquets never suit my taste.

At first they repelled the enemy with missile weapons, and suffered no place to be sufficiently secure for those engaged in the works; afterwards, not only did they brandish their weapons in defence of the walls and tower, but they had courage to make sallies on the posts and works of the enemy; in which tumultuary engagements, scarcely more Saguntines than Carthaginians were slain.

Near the stag there was a large sword, beautiful and bright, unsheathed; and when the Queen passed, the stag was made to take the sword in the right fore-foot, to hold it out straight, and to brandish it.

These are all curious for the costume; the warriors are cased in various kinds of ancient armor, and brandish various ancient weapons, and the robes of the females are flowing and by no means ungraceful.

Too humane forsooth to stint the stomachs of their slaves, yet force their minds to starve, and brandish over them pains and penalties, if they dare to reach forth for the smallest crumb of knowledge, even a letter of the alphabet!

Kentuckians brandish their knives, and call to the negroes, who are already half-roasted, "Pile on the wood; pile like agony; I'll ram a nigger into the fire for every foot the 'Burster' gains."

"I should be better able to listen and you would certainly be better able to read the letter if you didn't brandish it in my face.

" "When you've heard it," I said, "you'll understand why I brandish it.

One ferocious human tiger, with a spear or a bayonet to brandish, will tyrannize as he pleases over a hundred quiet men, who are armed only with shepherds' crooks, and whose only desire is to live in peace with their wives and their children.

Ideographically the Chinese represent wife by a woman holding a broomcertainly not to brandish it offensively or defensively against her conjugal ally, neither for witchcraft, but for the more harmless uses for which the besom was first inventedthe idea involved being thus not less homely than the etymological derivation of the English wife (weaver) and daughter (duhitar, milkmaid).

Now, however, for a wonder she was silent, and even the woman nearest the door found it too hot to brandish her distorted wrists, according to her custom when she wished to excite compassion or to plead for alms.

At Brest on this day thousands of people used to assemble on the ramparts towards evening and brandish lighted torches, which they swung in circles or flung by hundreds into the air.

I can have it, and brandish it as I enter the room.

As the magic blade touched the waters Sir Bedivere saw a hand and arm rise up from the depths to seize it, brandish it thrice, and disappear.

384 examples of  brandish  in sentences