10 examples of brewis in sentences

Marry, then, I can; straight to the kitchen-dresser, to John the cook, and get me a good piece of beef and brewis; and then to the buttery-hatch, to Thomas the butler for a jack of beer, and there for an hour I'll so belabour myself; and therefore I pray you call me not till you think I have done, I pray you, good master.

But if you come, I will provide for thee a piece of beef and brewis knuckle-deep in fat.

Some seem to have no need of the plural; as, ambergris, aqua-fortis, arthritis, brewis, crasis, elephantiasis, genesis, orris, siriasis, tennis.

And grew fat by the Brewis of an Egg-shell, Would smell a Cooks-shop, and go home and surfeit.

For me some fortie pound of lovely Beef, Plac'd in a mediterranean sea of Brewis.

The bread-box was sweet and empty; the fragments had been all daintily crumbled by Ruth, as she sat, resting and talking, when she had come in from her music-lesson; they lay heaped up like lightly fallen snow, in a broad dish, ready to be browned for chicken dressing or boiled for brewis or a pudding.

Thenthat Monday morningwe had brewis to make, a little buttered toast to do, and some eggs to scramble.

Fresh Fruit Brewis Blackberry Toast Toasted Wafers Whole-Wheat Puffs Graham Bread Macaroni with Tomato Sauce Stewed Fruit DINNER Canned Green Pea Soup Boiled Potato Corn and Tomato Mashed Lentils and Beans Farina Graham Crusts Zwieback Cream Crisps Stewed Fruit Rice and Tapioca Pudding SABBATH BREAKFAST

Fresh Fruit Brewis Cream Toast Macaroni with Cream sauce Corn Puffs Graham Bread Toasted Wafers Stewed Fruit Dates DINNER

Fresh Fruit Brewis Tomato Toast Whole-Wheat Puffs Toasted Beaten Biscuit Lettuce Stewed Fruit DINNER Potato Soup Mashed Peas Beet Greens Pearl Wheat Whole-Wheat Bread Buns Toasted Wafers Stewed Fruit Banana Dessert

10 examples of  brewis  in sentences