470 examples of brigadiers in sentences

But we do know that he did not reveal it to any one else, not even to his three brigadiers, Monckton, Townshend, and Murray.

I saw in a paper, the other day, that the Government has more brigadiers and colonels andandofficers than it knows what to do with.

I saw it stated that a stone thrown from Willard's Hotel in Washington hit a dozen brigadiers.

Jack said, as the crowd of brigadiers thickened before the hotel door.

Where is the brigadier who will go?' "The brigadiers all sat in sullen silence, and Arnold, who had been brooding over his private grievances, suddenly jumped up.

Those of us who were fortunate enough to witness the nature of the preparations for the first of General Allenby's great and triumphant moves in Palestine can speak of the debt Britain and her Allies owe not merely to the Commander-in-Chief and his Headquarters Staff, but to the three Corps Commanders, the Divisional Commanders, the Brigadiers, and the officers responsible for transport, artillery, engineer, and the other services.

Nor indeed was I permitted to identify in my despatches any particular division, yet the divisions concernedthe 52nd, 53rd, 54th, 60th, and so onhad often been mentioned in official despatches; the enemy not only knew they were in Palestine but were fully aware of their positions in the line; their commanders and brigadiers were known by name to the Turks.

In the state of the weather General Hill's own brigadiers were not sanguine, and they were the most loyal and devoted officers a divisional commander ever had.

General Bulfin saw General Hill and his brigadiers on the afternoon of the 20th.

The brigadiers were depressed owing to the floods and the state of the ground, because it was then clear that causeways would have to be made through the mud to the river banks.

The forcing of the passage of the Auja was a magnificent achievement, planned with great ability by General Hill and carried out with that skill and energy which the brigadiers, staff, and all ranks of the Division showed throughout the campaign.

Two bodies of sepoys broke away from the city and fled down the valleys of the Jumna and Ganges, followed by two flying columns under Brigadiers Greathed and Showers.

His principal brigadiers were James Wilkinson, who was on the staff of General Gates in the capture of Burgoyne, Wade Hampton, who had done good partisan service with Marion, Sumter, and others in South Carolinia, William Hull, who had served as colonel in the old war for independence, and Joseph Bloomfield, who had been a captain in the New Jersey line.

Next in rank to the tribunes, who corresponded to the rank of brigadiers and colonels in our times, were the Centurions, of whom there were sixty in each legion,men who were more remarkable for calmness and sagacity than for courage and daring valor; men who would keep their posts at all hazards.

The Major Generals Howard and Oglethorpe, and the Brigadiers, Cholmondley and Mordaunt, marched on foot at the head of the infantry to encourage the soldiers.

But his Brigadiers and his Clubmen are also always within an ace of being identifiable.

Brigadiers sorrowfully plucked the bâtons from off their shoulder-straps and replaced them in their knapsacks.

One of the brigadiers of the skeleton militia was apparently in command, and not yet having caught the cue of the Governor's intentions, reported the force for orders, "in the field, ready for duty, and impatient to act."

Of evenings small bunches of the boys would call to chat and be sung to; to threaten to desert if not soon sent to the front; and to blame all delays on colonels and brigadiers "known" by them to be officially jealous ofThey gave only the tedious nickname.

"Day after day I urge the old, old thesis To reverence well the man of martial note, Nor treat as mere sartorial caprices The mystic marks he carries on his coat, And how to know what everybody is, The swords, the crowns, the purple-stainéd cards, The Brigadiers concealed in Burberries, And render all those pomps and dignities Which are, of course, the raison d'être of guards.

the day before we started the General hadn't a squad under his orders; but when Schuyler called for volunteers, and his brigadiers began to raise hell at the idea of weakening the army to help Stanwix, Arnold came out of his fit of sulks on the jump!

However, there are younger colonels than you, sir, in our serviceay, and brigadiers, too.

"Good work!" replied both Brigadiers, looking at their watches simultaneously, "considering the state of the country."

The two brigadiers at Port Royal, Horatio G. Wright and Isaac I. Stevens, both became soldiers of note.

But in consequence of the resignations of Generals Miller, Boyle, and Beatty and the death of General Champlin, their confirmations will be within the number of brigadiers allowed by law.

470 examples of  brigadiers  in sentences