79 examples of brigandage in sentences

As everyone knows, the plebiscite of March 20, 1921, in spite of the violence and notwithstanding the officially protected brigandage, resulted favourably to Germany.

Bandits that had been suppressed under British administration returned to their old work of robbery and brigandage.

After all sorts of mishaps a brother of the latter, one Felix Beauchene, a man of adventurous mind but a blunderhead, had gone to Algeria with his wife and daughter, there to woo fortune afresh; and the farm he had established was indeed prospering when, during a sudden revival of Arab brigandage, both he and his wife were murdered and their home was destroyed.

But I, instead, moped alone, knowing well that the gifts of graceful brigandage were not mine.

The accomplices of this act of brigandage are most agreeable menRomieu, Morny.

Brigandage has its sentiments of honor.

Stealing N. stealing &c v.; theft, thievery, latrociny^, direption^; abstraction, appropriation; plagiary, plagiarism; autoplagiarism^; latrocinium^. spoliation, plunder, pillage; sack, sackage^; rapine, brigandage, foray, razzia^, rape, depredation, raid; blackmail. piracy, privateering, buccaneering; license to plunder, letters of marque, letters of mark and reprisal.

From that time there was neither peace nor war with the Veientines: their mode of operation had now come very near to the form of brigandage.

Bloodshed and Brigandage XCVI.

Surely it is not for our sakes that men wage these combats between nations, this universal brigandage?

Why should not the so-called laws which regulate human societyor rather the state of chronic brigandage among nationswhy should not they also be changed?

Again, he approached the centurion who was charged with abolishing brigandage and in disguise accused his own self; he further promised, if the centurion would accompany him, to deliver the robber to him.

Later he assumed the garb of a magistrate, ascended the tribunal, and having called the centurion caused his head to be shaved, and said: "Take this message to your masters: 'Feed your slaves, if you want to make an end of brigandage.'" Bulla had, indeed, a very great number of Caesarians, some who had been poorly paid and some who had gone absolutely without pay.

On the present occasion, having accepted the situation into which his affection for his friend had led him, he had accepted it altogether, and behaved as though he were at a dinner party in Naples, cheerfully making conversation, telling amazing stories of brigandage in Sicily, asking Veronica questions about the surrounding country, and giving such scraps of news about mutual friends as his letters had recently brought him.

The police regulations were extremely severe against heresy, but brigandage was common, and the darker streets were unsafe at night to strangers.

The canker of brigandage defied all efforts to root it out, and in spite of the loans with which the royal government was supplied by the protecting powers, the public finance was subject to periodical breakdowns.

Yet the major part of the Greek race still awaited liberation from the Turkish yoke, and regarded the national kingdom, chronically incapacitated by the twin plagues of brigandage and bankruptcy, with increasing disillusionment.

'The Administrative régime during the Phanariote period was, in general, little else than organized brigandage,' says Xenopol.

The war had left brigandage, allied to a fierce spirit of revolutionary freemasonry, all-powerful in the south of Italy; and a stern and resolute, yet perfectly honest and just hand, was needed to put it down.

As to the motive for this particular act, authorities differ as to whether it was the fortune of war or mere brigandage.

Of these four considerations the most important is whether the neighbourhood bears a bad reputation: for there are many farms which are fit for cultivation but not expedient to undertake on account of the brigandage in the neighbourhood, as in Sardinia those farms which adjoin Oelium, and in Spain those on the borders of Lusitania.

Like their neighbors, the inhabitants of Latium were prepared to defend themselves against piracy, brigandage and ambitious, aggressive rivals.

The no-man's land between what-was and what-was-not Rome not only existed in a state of perpetual uncertainty, but provided a battle field for the smuggling, brigandage, the periodic border clashes, the migrations, incursions, invasions and punitive expeditions that are the characteristic features of every ill-defined political boundary.

"In a recent case of brigandage, people of all sorts and classes were implicated, while one of the leading barristers was imprisoned on suspicion.

We are, I am sure, quite agreed as to there having been no other course open to us than to imitate our Sicilian brethren of the robe, and take to a little mild brigandage, considering the awful decay of legal business and our own destitute condition.

79 examples of  brigandage  in sentences