61 examples of bringers in sentences

Moreover the heralds of the seasons, the Elean truce-bringers of Zeus the son of Kronos, recognized him, having met belike with hospitality from him, and in a voice of dulcet breath they gave him greeting for that he had fallen at the knees of golden Victory in their land which men call the holy place of Olympic Zeus, where the sons of Ainesidamos attained unto honour everlasting.

"But," says Trost, treating me with cautious mildness on hearing me vent this raving notion, "you forget that these wonder-workers are the slaves of our race, need our tendance and regulation, obey the mandates of our consciousness, and are only deaf and dumb bringers of reports which we decipher and make use of.

Hail to the brave light-bringers!

v, p. 420.] Michabo was thus at times the god of light, at others of the winds, and as these are the rain-bringers, he was also at times spoken of as the god of waters.

But the myth itself, and the description of the deity, incorporeal and swift, bringer at one time of the fertilizing rains, at another of the drought, seems to point unmistakably to a god of the winds.

"Hail An-hetep-f (i.e., Bringer of his offering), who comest forth from Sau, I have not acted with violence.

"Hail An-[=a]-f (i.e., Bringer of his arm), [who comest forth from Aukert], I have not thought scorn of the god of the city.

That all silver bullion brought to the mints should be coined into dollars without cost to the bringer.

"The elders also, and the bringers up of the children, sent to Jehu."SCOTT: 2 Kings, x, 5. "Not with eye service, as men pleasers.

"The elders also, and the bringers-up of the children, sent to Jehu.

it was with a shock of joy he discovered that almost all of these light-bringers had lived with his little book.

And is it not true that so far as men do receive of His fulness, so far as they are brought under the control of His spirit, they do cease to be destroyers and devourers of the bodies and souls of their fellows, and become helpers, saviors, life-bringers?

The law bringers, by Bliss Lomax, pseud.

The smile bringer.

The smile bringer, and other bits of cheer; illustrated with photos.

The law bringers, by Bliss Lomax, pseud.

This bringer hath shewed me here very great courtesie, wherefore I pray you shew him what fauor you may.

In the end they suffered this bringer to receiue them, who came with me from Ormus, and put them into an house which he had hired for me, where they remained foure or fiue daies.

But of all the troubles that haue chanced since mine arrinal in Ormus, this bringer is able to certifie you.

Is he not an eye to us all; a blessed heaven-sent Bringer of Light?and, at bottom, was it not perhaps far better that this Shakespeare, everyway an unconscious man, was conscious of no Heavenly message?

It was a tremendous victory of moral force, of the divine and immortal working through him, that the Messenger was able to move unarmed among the warriors of many tribes that were often at war with each other; everywhere meeting the chiefs and kings, and meeting them as an equal: the unarmed bringer of good tidings confronting the king in the midst of his warriors, and winning him to his better vision.

To obtain this new Aladdin's lamp, this great wealth-bringer, localities mortgaged their prosperity for years to come.

Among the peasantry of the north-east of Scotland the prehistoric weapons called celts went by the name of "thunderbolts" and were coveted as the sure bringers of success, always provided that they were not allowed to fall to the ground.

Act 1, Parl. 19; Act 5, Parl. 20, King James VI., do condemn all erroneous books and writs, containing erroneous doctrine against the religion presently professed or containing superstitious rites and ceremonies Papistical, whereby the people are greatly abused; and ordains the home-bringers of them to be punished, Act 25, Parl.

Fortunately I was not the cruel bringer.

61 examples of  bringers  in sentences