76 examples of brissot in sentences

Character of Brissot.

I was introduced as quickly as possible, on my arrival at Paris, to the friends of the cause there, to the Duke de la Rochefoucauld, the Marquis de Condorcet, Messieurs Pétion de Villeneuve, Clavière, and Brissot, and to the Marquis de la Fayette.

None of those mentioned, except Brissot, were present.

The last person whom I saw was Brissot.

Brissot then was a man of plain and modest appearance.

BOOKS OF TRAVEL Brissot de Warville, J. P. New Travels in the United States of America: including the Commerce of America with Europe, particularly with Great Britain and France.

v., p. 431; Washington, Works of Jefferson, vol. ix., p. 163; Brissot de Warville, New Travels, vol.

[Footnote 2: Brissot de Warville, New Travels, vol.

[Footnote 2: Brissot de Warville, Travels, vol.

[Footnote 1: Brissot de Warville, New Travels, vol.

After touring Pennsylvania five years later, Brissot de Warville reported that there existed then a country where the blacks were allowed to have souls, and to be endowed with an understanding capable of being formed to virtue and useful knowledge, and where they were not regarded as beasts of burden in order that their masters might have the privilege of treating them as such.

[Footnote 2: Brissot de Warville, New Travels, vol.

BRIS'SOTIN, one of the followers of Jean Pierre Brissot, an advanced revolutionist.

La jeunesse de J. P. Brissot.

La jeunesse de J. P. Brissot.

It has been the policy of all the revolutionists, from the Lameths and La Fayette down to Brissot and Robespierre, to destroy the confidence of society; and the calamities of last year, now aiding the system of spies and informers, occasion an apprehension and distrust which impede union, and check every enterprize that might tend to restore the freedom of the country.

It is admitted by Brissot, who is in this case competent authority, that about twenty factious adventurers had oppressed the Convention and the whole country.

"I know not if we are yet arrived at the climax of woe and iniquity, but Brissot, Condorcet, Rolland, &c. and all those whose principles you have reprobated as violent and dangerous, will now form the moderate side of the Assembly.

Those who at present possess all the power, and are infinitely the strongest, are wits, moralists, and philosophers by profession, having Brissot, Rolland, Petion, Concorcet, &c. at their head; their opponents are adventurers of a more desperate cast, who make up by violence what they want in numbers, and are led by Robespierre, Danton, Chabot, &c. &c.

The first was from Brissot, dated Paris, August the eighteenth, who, it may be recollected, was an active member of the National Convention of France, and who suffered in the persecution of Robespiere.

Brissot, in this letter, congratulated the members of the commitee, on having come together for so laudable an object.

The thanks of the commitee were voted to Brissot for this disinterested offer of his services, and he was elected an honorary and corresponding member.

On the thirtieth of October several letters were read; one of these was from Brissot and Claviere conjointly.

They kept up a communication by letter with most of the worthy persons who have been mentioned to have written to them, but particularly with Brissot and Claviere, from whom they had the satisfaction of learning, that a society had at length been established at Paris for the Abolition of the Slave-Trade in France.

[Footnote A: Brissot attended in person at this commitee in his way to America, which it was then an object with him to visit.]

76 examples of  brissot  in sentences