78 examples of broadsword in sentences

Neither with broadsword nor small sword could I acquire any skill.

Then, as Beltane glanced up, the leaves near by were dashed aside and Giles came bounding through, his gay feather shorn away, his escalloped cape wrenched and torn, his broadsword a-swing in his hand.

" "Then here's twice I've saved thee, Giles, so art two accursed notches from my" A mace beat Roger to his knees, but, ere his assailant could strike again, Giles's broadsword rose and fell.

In the midst of the action, the young Farnese sprang on board of the enemy, and with his stout broadsword hewed down all who opposed him, opening a path into which his comrades poured one after another; and after a short, but murderous contest, he succeeded in carrying the vessel.

Now some of you clothe yourselves as curtal friars, and some as rustic peasants, and some as tinkers, or as beggars, but see that each man taketh a good bow or broadsword, in case need should arise.

" Then he clad himself in a friar's gown, and underneath the robe he hung a good broadsword in such a place that he could easily lay hands upon it.

" Hereupon he drew from beneath his robes a great broadsword full as stout as was Robin's. "Nay, put up thy pinking iron, friend," quoth Robin, standing up with the tears of laughter still on his cheeks.

Having come to the ford, he girded up his robes about his loins, tucked his good broadsword beneath his arm, and stooped his back to take Robin upon it.

By his side was a heavy broadsword and a sharp, double-edged dagger.

Good fellow, if thou art no better with the broadsword than thou art with the bow and arrow, thou wilt never overcome Robin Hood.

The broadsword now used, though called the Glaymore, (i.e. the great sword) is much smaller than that used in Rorie More's time.

mandar, to order, command, send orders; to send; comparecer, to summon (to appear) mandoble, m., two-handed sword, broadsword. manejar, to handle, wield.

This while our noble king, His broadsword brandishing, Down the French host did ding, As to o'erwhelm it; And many a deep wound lent, His arms with blood besprent, And many a cruel dent Bruiséd his helmet.

The moment he fell another Highlander, who, if the crown witness at Carlisle may be credited, (as I know not why he should not, though the unhappy creature died denying it,) was one M'Naught, who was executed about a year after, gave him a stroke either with a broadsword or a Lochaber axe, (for my informant could not exactly distinguish,) on the hinder part of his head, which was the mortal blow.

On the word "Charge," the parties to advance, and attack with the broadsword, or close with the dirk.

The Highland officers carry a silver-hilted version of the old barbarous Gaelic broadsword with a basket-hilt, which split the skulls of so many English soldiers at Killiecrankie and Prestonpans.

Where is your buff coat and broadsword, man?

I should not, therefore, apply the word barbaric, as I am using it, to the duels of German officers or even to the broadsword combats that are conventional among the German students.

For arms these men carried a broad target or shield made of bull's hide, and a broadsword of immense length hanging behind them, the hilt coming above the shoulder.

Mr. Bowles was crying, brandishing the antique broadsword that had come down to Wyckholme from the dark ages.

By the prefixing of an adjective, or an other noun, so as to form a compound word: as, foreman, broadsword, statesman, tradesman; bedside, hillside, seaside; bear-berry, bear-fly, bear-garden; bear's-ear, bear's-foot, goat's-beard. 8.

Like a tempest down the ridges swept the hurricane of steel, Rose the slogan of Macdonaldflash'd the broadsword of Lochiel! Vainly sped the withering volley 'mongst the foremost of our band, On we pour'd until we met them, foot to foot, and hand to hand.

Thus it may now be regarded as certain that the name of the "fair sword" Excalibur, by Geoffrey called Caliburnus (Welsh caletfwlch), is taken from Caladbolg, the far-famed broadsword of Fergus macRoig.

By the time that the last rope was cut the scissors were as sharp as a broadsword, and half as long as his body.

Am I a fit subject for mounting the sides of a smuggler, with a broadsword between my teeth!

78 examples of  broadsword  in sentences