67 examples of browbeating in sentences

Nor did he bully or browbeat.

We aren't here to browbeat a man, and kill him by inches, I take it.

How dare you come here to annoy and browbeat that poor girl?"

Don't let the Cabinet browbeat you, and smother you with plausible sophistries.

At moments when most cross-examiners would browbeat he grows sympathetichumours his man, and, by following whatever detour offers, gets back on the trail again.

He was even grossly insulted before the Privy Council by the Solicitor-General, Wedderburn,one of those browbeating lawyers so common in England one hundred years ago, who made up in insolence what was lacking in legal ability.

put in fear, put in bodily fear; terrorize, intimidate, cow, daunt, overawe, abash, deter, discourage; browbeat, bully; threaten &c 909.

V. hold in disrespect &c (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back upon, laugh in one's sleeve; be disrespectful &c adj., be discourteous &c 895; treat with disrespect &c n.; set down, put down, browbeat.

Their policy and thus browbeating working people who were called as witnesses is in keeping with the tactics of the mob during the days when it held Centralia in its grasp.

"No cut to unkindness," as the saying is, a frown and hard speech, ill respect, a browbeating, or bad look, especially to courtiers, or such as attend upon great persons, is present death: Ingenium vultu statque caditque suo, they ebb and flow with their masters' favours.

In fact, he had a large share of self-respect and independence, and was not likely to submit to browbeating from anyone.

Wrangling and hair-splitting, browbeating and bewildering witnesses, making coarse jokes to excite the laughter of common jury-men, and addressing such with clap-trap bellowings, are not the work for gray-headed men.

Her browbeating of Annfor it was a sort of tender, protective browbeatingled her to reach out blindly for weapons, and once in her hand many of those weapons proved ideas.

Outside was the cab, Arnold extremely efficient in browbeating the driver as to the stowing away of bags, more kisses, in the general cloud of which Arnold pecked shyly at Sylvia's ear and Judith's chin; then the retreating vehicle with Arnold standing up, a tall, ungainly figure, waving a much-jointed hand.

After a variety of similar remarks, delivered in the most grating tones and with the roughest manner, Sir George Jessel tried to attain his object by browbeating me directly.

The professor was completely cowed, and we had no more browbeating from him.

She browbeat him into buying a suit such as those that are worn by jaunty youths in advertisements, including haberdashery of supreme elegance, the first patent-leather shoes worn by this particular Cowan, and a hat of class.

The difficulty with Stanton was that he was as likely to insult and to browbeat some loyal supporter of the government as to bring to book, and, when necessary, to crush, greedy speculators and disloyal tricksters.

And the woman was acquitted: and from that day the powers of Thurlow, in voice, sarcasm, gesture, and all the superior intonations of browbeating, which raised him to the most dangerous pinnacle of legal greatness, became known, and rapidly advanced him to fame, and the grandchildren of his father to be enrolled among the established peers of our realm.

They would be prepared to browbeat and contemn originality just as vigorously as their predecessors.

After a variety of similar remarks delivered in the most grating tones and in the roughest manner, Sir George Jessel tried to obtain his object by browbeating me directly.

He would pick flaws in pleas; he would postpone; he would browbeat witnesses; he would take exceptions to the rulings of the court in order to excite the sympathy of the jury; he would object to testimony on the other side, and try to get in irrelevant testimony on his own; he would abuse the opposing counsel, crying out, "The counsel on the other side lies like thunder, and he knows it!"

In his career before justices of the peace, he was bold, adroit, unscrupulous, coarse, browbeating, and sometimes brutal; anything that occurred to his not uninventive mind, as likely in any way to help him on or out, he resorted to without hesitation.

" A browbeating lawyer was demanding that a witness answer a certain question either in the negative or affirmative.

He interrupted my interrogatory with another, ever an effectual aid in browbeating.

67 examples of  browbeating  in sentences