4559 examples of brushing in sentences

Seated in their libraries, in the midst of their ponderous octavos, their Roman and black-letter volumes, they reject with disdain the commentators, the opinions of the jurists of the present century; and brushing away the cobwebs and dust from the covers of their treasured relics of bygone ages, they clasp them in a loving embrace close to their hearts, exclaiming, 'These are my jewels.'

The floating grass panicles are scarcely felt in brushing through their midst, so flue are they, and none of the flowers have tall or rigid stalks.

Suddenly, with a small catch of breath that was audible in her throat, Miss Slayback stepped out of that doorway, squirming her way across the tight congestion of the sidewalk to its curb, then in and out, brushing this elbow and that shoulder, worming her way in an absolutely supreme anxiety to keep in view a brown derby hat bobbing right briskly along with the crowd, a greenish-black bit of feather upright in its band.

She hadn't had her hair curled when she went to bed, and she didn't seem quite up to brushing it herself, and its getting in her eyes put her out.

Proceed in this manner until the dish is full, and pour in about 1/2 pint of water; border the edge of the dish with puff crust, put on the cover, ornament the top, and glaze it by brushing over it the yolk of an egg.

He remained about five minutes, during which time he took his hat from the table and put it back once a minute, brushing it each time.

"That rap was the signal of the approach of the O.C." Farley was industriously brushing the signs of dust from Jetson's uniform.

" "If you have to go to Coventry," announced Dalzell, giving a final brushing to his hair and fitting on his cap, "I'm going with you.

Marjorie removed the white hood that she had travelled from California in, and, brushing back the curls that shone in the light like threads of gold, kissed her forehead and cheeks and rosy lips.

" "I'm only a boy, though, you see?" said Luke, arising and brushing the sawdust from his clothes.

She closed the oven door on her pies and stood brushing flour from her fingers.

But the man who shot him was in this room, the little hair-brushing old maid saw the pistol thrown from this window, the dog found footprints coming from this room, the murderer went out through that door into the alleyway and then into the street.

Then the great bell struck and she turned with a start, brushing away the tears that dimmed her eyes.

Eriphile has employed her eloquence for twenty years upon the degeneracy of servants, the nastiness of her house, the ruin of her furniture, the difficulty of preserving tapestry from the moths, and the carelessness of the sluts whom she employs in brushing it.

The Mexicans picked themselves up off the ground and began brushing off the dust from their black velvet jackets.

No, not quite silence, for past his ear the splendid hyacinths drifted with a musical creaking, leaf on leaf, the buoyant bulbs brushing each other.

They eddied about Grimshaw, brushing against him, their moon-stone eyes full of a vague terror of that barking guardian at their heels.

The men, however, spent a great deal of time brushing, braiding, and ornamenting their scalp locks.

With the look of worry he regarded his father, now before the fireplace after the manner of one enjoying its warmth, and his Uncle Sharon, who was brushing cigar ash from his rumpled waistcoat to the rug below.

" "I hate that trick he has of brushing his hair out of his eyes.

" "Silly boy ... adorable child," she had replied, showering him with kisses, brushing his dark beard with her soft, quivering lips.

He elbowed his way through the crowds, deaf to all congratulations, brushing aside the hands that were proferred to him.

" She found herself brushing past the latest trim parlour-maid, and out once more in the keen, sweet, young dampness.

[They exchange ties, and Devlin's toilet is completed by brushing the legs of his old trousers with a sweeping brush.

" Mr. Quince put down his hammer and, brushing a little snuff from his coat, leaned back in his chair and eyed them with grave confidence.

4559 examples of  brushing  in sentences