9 examples of built-ins in sentences

He wants to live in one of the built-in-bed flats on Wasserman Avenue, like all the swell young marrieds.

Its built-in-bookcases were stocked with handsome bindings.

Lanyard couldn't see the face of the built-in safe, but he could hear the spinning of the combination manipulated by Monk's long and bony fingers.

Two biggish rooms downstairs, besides the kitchen; a large, built-in, white-doored closet in the living-room,quite jolly, Felicia thought,rusty nails driven in unbelievable quantities in all the walls.

She rose and moved swiftly toward one of the built-in bookcases.

Civilization, therefore, comes into being with this built-in contradiction: the strong and predatory exploit the weak, but at a certain point protect the weak and nurture the defenseless.

To achieve such results it must have a built-in balance between central authority and local-regional self-determination.

It presents an alternative theoretical program for dealing with the transition from the built-in competitiveness of western civilization to the built-in cooperativeness of a planned, coordinated, federated socialist-communist world order.

It presents an alternative theoretical program for dealing with the transition from the built-in competitiveness of western civilization to the built-in cooperativeness of a planned, coordinated, federated socialist-communist world order.

9 examples of  built-ins  in sentences