3127 examples of bullet in sentences

We thought of the hurrying to and fro; of the gathering of weapons, ammunition, bullet-molds, food, and whatever necessities there may have been time to catch up; and of the panic-stricken men, women and children fleeing from field and cabin to the shelter of the stockade and of the strong-house.

And so their tough feathers flattened many a bullet, and one eagle had to be sent to Richmond to get some toes and a new tail.

"Weep, O ye maidens, on mountain and valley, Lift the dirge for the sons of the brave; We have fired our last bullet, have made our last rally, And Caucasus gives us a grave.

" "No! a bullet is too honourable a death for a brigand," cried the angry general: "a cart with the shafts turned upa cord round your neckthat is the fitting reward.

Some wear the embroidered buffcoat over the coat of mail, others beneath it,neither having yet learned that the buffcoat alone is sabre-proof and bullet-proof also.

The Bullet Eater.

The bullet guide.

SIMON, S. J. A bullet in the ballet.

That was all the mischief done, except that once a stray bullet gashed the stone hard bymade just a fresh bright surface.

The bone of the false pinion is enlarged at its extremity, and forms, under the feathers, a little round mass like a musket-bullet; this and their beak form the principal defence of this bird.

Ah, here's the bullet-hole, right back of the shoulder.

I want to get out of bullet range every time I'm shot at.

The steel jacketed bullet hit a stone and spitefully whined away into the canyon.

Then, to make sure, he aimed so as to send his one bullet through their necks.

" My next bullet struck a puff from rock above the bear, and my third, hitting just in front of him, as he was on a yellow ledge, covered him with dust.

We heard my bullet crack the twigs.

Just the instant I saw his shining fur through the circle of my rear sight he heard me and jumped, and my bullet missed him.

He heard the bullet glance.

I heard the bullet hit the bear.

I received the first hurt I got in this war at this action, for having followed the dragoons and brought my regiment within the barricado which they had gained, a musket bullet struck my horse just in the head, and that so effectually that he fell down as dead as a stone all at once.

The fall plunged me into a puddle of water and daubed me; and my man having brought me another horse and cleaned me a little, I was just getting up, when another bullet struck me on my left hand, which I had just clapped on the horse's main to lift myself into the saddle.

Maggie's jist an or'nar' girl, an' I'm jist an or'nar' chap that done a stupid thing because he couldna think what else to dae. Weel, ye'll sune forget me, an' maybe I'll sune forget youwi' the help o' a bullet' 'Oh, dinna!'

On his curly head rested a little, round cap of silvery mole-skin, light as a feather; his leggings' fringe was dyed green; baldrick, knife-sheath, bullet-pouch, powder-horn, and hatchet-holster were deeply beaded in scarlet, white, and black, and bands of purple porcupine-quills edged shoulder-cape and moccasins, around which were painted orange-colored flowers, each centred with a golden bead.

"I want an officer who understands Tuscarora and who has felt the bite of an Indian bullet," he said, earnestly.

The next day Keith was permitted to examine the mark made by the bullet in the wall.

3127 examples of  bullet  in sentences