21 examples of bulls' in sentences

Vain, vain were prayer and incense-swell And bulls' blood on the altars!...

From thence we passed into a smooth and calm sea, wherein was a small island with a good landing place, and which was inhabited by the Bucephali: a savage race of men, with bulls' heads and horns, as they paint the minotaur.

In the case before us, after running out three or four hundred fathoms of line, the 'bull' to which Gardiner had 'fastened,' came up to the surface, 'blowed,' and began to move slowly towards the herd again.

" "Your lips," suggested Polly sarcastically, "are, as far as I can see, usually sealed before our long-suffering, incompetent police and" "And you should be the last to grumble at this," he quietly interrupted, "for you have spent some very pleasant half-hours already, listening to what you have termed my 'cock-and-bull' stories.

The explanation savoured somewhat of a 'bull'; for what a volcano could do to pitch, save to burn it up into coke and gases, it is difficult to see.

So he drew to him the plough and made fast by force the bulls' necks in the harness, and plunged the wounding goad into the bulk of their huge sides, and with manful strain fulfilled the measure of his work.

"If there are 'bulls' in the crowd, I'll submit to arrest; otherwise lay off of me.

Suffice it to say that 'John Bull' was the most violent of the periodicals that attacked her, and that Theodore Hook, no Puritan himself, was the principal writer in that paper.

If you can imagine 'Punch' turned Conservative, incorporated in one paper with the 'Morning Herald,' so that a column of news was printed side by side with one of a jocular character, and these two together devoted without principle to the support of a party, the attack of Whiggism, and an unblushing detraction of the character of one of our princesses, you can form some idea of what 'John Bull' was in those days.

There is, however, a difference: 'Punch' attacks public characters, and ridicules public events; 'John Bull' dragged out the most retired from their privacy, and attacked them with calumnies for which, often, there was no foundation.

Verba ligant hominem, ut taurorum cornua funes, "as bulls' horns are bound with ropes, so are men's hearts with pleasant words."

"'Sitting Bull' was dull in intellect, and not near as able a man as 'Gall,' 'Hump,' 'Crow,' and many others who were regarded as subordinate to him; but he was an adept schemer and very cunning, and could work upon the credulity of the Indians to a wonderful degree, and this, together with great obstinacy and tenacity, gained for him his world-wide reputation.

Near the bridge we stopped to examine a pile of immense fragments which have been thrown together by the Turkspillars, cornices, altars, pieces of a frieze, with bulls' heads bound together by hanging garlands, and a large square block, with a legible tablet.

His captors surrounded Him like the 'horned bulls' of Ps. xxii.

"Of course, there have been all sorts of rumors East: 'bull' prophecies that the triumph of the new party means an era of unexampled prosperity for the Stateand by consequence for western stocks; 'bear' growlings that things are sure to go to the bow-wows under the Bucks régime.

All the persons who are to be 'Bulls' shall wear them when they dance.

Their dress was very fine,bulls' heads and robes.

Bull berries Bulls Bulls' society Bunch of lodges Burial Buttes created Camas root, how prepared Camp arranged in circle Camp, order of moving Canadian mounted police Casey, Lieutenant Catchers Cattle issued Cause of disease.

When she was gone, I came over here to the 'Black Bull' and made a note of it...." You see the implication?

The Irish "bull" is a heroic and sometimes successful attempt to sit upon two stools at once, or, as an Irishman put it, "Englishmen often make 'bulls,' but the Irish 'bull' is always pregnant.

What shall he have who kills the bull with a bull 'it?

21 examples of  bulls'  in sentences