19 examples of bunkies in sentences

"Hethat is, my bunkie here, knows more about those boats than I do.

Lowrie was my bunkie!"

"Maybe I'm cursed, right enough, but, Quade, I'd let 'em burn me, inch by inch in a fire, before I'd quit a partner, a bunkie in the desert!

He could not accuse Sinclair of this killing without in the first place exposing the tale of how Riley's brother was abandoned in the desert by three strong men who had been his bunkies.

He's the bunkie that guards your back in a fight; he's the man that can ask for your hoss or your gun or your life, no matter how bad you want 'em; he's the gent that trusts you when the world calls you a liar; he's the one that don't grin when you're in trouble, who gives a cheer when you're going good.

' "Son, I don't know what God means very well, and I ain't any bunkie of the law, but I'm tolerable well acquainted with what the word 'friend' means.

" "Ah?" "Him and you have been bunkies, if he ever should find out what I done, he'd go on my trail.

"But they say that the sheriff and Sinclair have become regular bunkies.

The second is that he was a bunkie of Tex Calder, an' a man Tex could trust for the avengin' of his death is good enough for me.

On Hunter's Island, Jimmie Reeder and his bunkie, Sam Sturges, each on his canvas cot, tossed and twisted.

" "Well, the scout-master ought to know," argued Jimmie; "he said it was the best 'one good turn' of the day!" Modestly Sam shifted the lime-light so that it fell upon his bunkie.

If I don't like a bunkie you can figure why I don't want a boss.

Slim raised his little freckled face which was supported by a neck of uncanny length, and he blinked unconcernedly at his bunkie.

The men who trooped into the bunkhouse behind him already hated him with a religious intensity; in ten minutes, they might have accepted him as a bunkie!

"So you and Ben are bunkies now, are you?"

For the love of God don't leave your bunkies behind for the butchers!'

They were "bunkies," pals, chums.

He's been my bunkie.'

D'you forgive me?" "Why, Buck," murmured Dan Barry, in that same bewildered fashion, "seems like we was bunkies once.

19 examples of  bunkies  in sentences