52 examples of busine in sentences

My busines cannot so dispatched bee. Ap.

Good sir, my busines calls me hence in haste.

Eu. Now truly, sir, you offer me great wrong To hold me from my busines here so long.

Besides all this, he us'd oft to beguile Poore suters that in court did haunt some while: For he would learne their busines secretly, And then informe his master hastely, 880 That he by meanes might cast them to prevent, [Prevent, anticipate.]

And so, without more circumstance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands, and part: You, as your busines and desires shall point you:

[Sidenote: of busines.]

[Sidenote: such busines as the bitter day] Would quake to looke on.

Are you come from your necessarie busines, Sir Gyles?

To redeeme her Out of this gayle of sinne and leprosye, This mart of all diseases, where shee lyves Still under the comande and Tyrany Of a most base hee-bawde: about which busines Wee have allready traffict. Treadway.

A small somme of that is worthe all the busines that I am sent about, for the all in all on't

This 'tis when as a man goes willingly About his busines.

Nay, domestick, Tis howsehould busines all.

Thyself, no more, For 'tis a private busines, and withall; Provyde mee,harke thyne eare.

I knowe the busines, syr, if in that place These are the too distressed wrecks at sea We sawe this morninge floatinge, sweeter guerles I never yet sett ey on, and opprest By too ill lookeinge raskells that to warme them Wisht all the towne a bonefire Ashb.

Yes to have kickt him lyke a dogge, but I reserved them to roon the more nimbly about your busines.

At the posterne Shee to whose hand you gave your letter, Fryar, Attends for your despatch:my busines I hope shalbee despatcht then:Fare you well, Fayle mee this night and ever.

Itt is boathe just and honest; we'll have no juggling, And, Gripus, synce the busines concernes you, Have you a curious ey too't.

There may growe els a woorse antypathy Beetwixt your love and myne: I tell you, Lady, Myne is no woman's busines.

Please you, Sir, I'l steward well that busines.

What's the busines? Baker.

In the tyme That you weare ceas'd with this deepe melancholly And inward sorrowe for a sinne so fowle, My self in person posted to the Kinge (In progresse not farr off), to him related The passadge of your busines, neather rose I From off my knees till hee had signd to this.

Well Sir I will: but I have private busines with you.

Bac. Now fellowes, your busines, are these the Gentlemen.

that vntil a certen day and hower lymited to retorne, either of them might imploye themselues about theire busines, and necessarie affaires, the Gent.

to his busines, and he to the citty of London.

52 examples of  busine  in sentences