9 examples of business plan in sentences

They daily bring wars, statecraft, business plans, political situations, trade openings, scientific discoveries, forms of church-work and philanthropy, accidents, murders, and marriages, to our breakfast-table.

Once in Calcutta, and his business plans set going, he started out to find some of the city's Christian forces.

He had never been an extravagant man, but he liked to be well dressed, and had remained so for a time after his business plans had failed.

A smart kid writes a business plan.

Rising from the graveyard of failed business plans, these collaborative communities of authors and creators are the true harbingers of cultural and perhaps political renaissance.

I spoke about WCT and why it failed, my ideas for a successful daily and my business plan for such a venture.

" The results of his experience were blessed indeed, as he said, "I never realized before how closely the Lord is connected with all my interests, and how he helps me in all my business plans.

All daily papers, all periodicals and magazines that live and become powerful relate their editorial policy very closely to their business plans.

There has been a business plan proposed by two members of our party which concerns me, and when anything is told concerning me, I want to know how it is told, or, if possible, tell it myself.

9 examples of  business plan  in sentences