5 examples of busto in sentences

Quid febrim exstinguat, varius quid postulet usus, Solari aegrotos, qua potes arte, docet, Hactenus ipsa suum timuit Natura calorem, Dum saepe incerto, quo calet, igne perit: Dum reparat tacitos male provida sanguinis ignes, Praslusit busto, fit calor iste rogus.

Post tot mille neces, cumulataque funera busto, Victa jacet parvo vulnere dira Lues.

He was buried among the poets in Westminster-Abbey, and the handsome table monument of blue marble which was raised over his grave the same year, is adorned with his effigies in busto, laureated.

If your design holds, of fixing Dryden's name only below, and his busto above, may not lines like these be graved just under the name? This Sheffield raised, to Dryden's ashes just; Here fixed his name, and there his laureled bust: What else the Muse in marble might express, Is known already: praise would make him less.

9. Close, carver, by some well cut books, Let a thin busto tell, In spite of plump and pamper'd looks, How scantly sense can dwell! 10.

5 examples of  busto  in sentences