162012 examples of by the in sentences

From Advent to Septuagesima:The birth of the Saviour preceded by His life in Mary's womb, and by the four weeks of Advent, representing (it is said) the passing of the four thousand years, and embracing the mysteries of the Holy Infancy, Circumcision, Epiphany, Holy Name of Jesus, and the Presentation.

That the conception, as far as it goes, is valid is proved by the fact that it is the neurasthenics who furnish the majority of the clientele of the cults, the Christian Scientists, the osteopaths and the chiropractors, and who are the subjects of the faith and miracle cures, like those of Lourdes.

Travel is so impeded by the terrible state of affairs at present existing in France, that the Prussians cannot take Tours.

It had evidently been taken out and secreted, because it was found at the bottom of a dustbin a long way off from the staircase and in the room occupied by the prisoner.

Instead of the bay he saw what appeared to be merely a broad shoulder of frozen water, and beyond that, perhaps two miles, was a small lake lined by the forest.

In this, we merely[*] upheld what was due to us by constitution, by treaties, by the coronation-oath of every king,the right to be "governed as a self-consistent, independent country, by our native institutions, according to our own laws."

She is at the same time reminded that in no case can the Allies consent to renounce the security given to them by the Treaty of Paris in consequence of an insurrection amongst the lower orders at Brussels.

Having landed his troops, and sent back the ships to join the rest of the fleet at Oricum, whence he had come, he marched his troops at a distance from the river, by a way not guarded at all by the king's party, and entered the city by night, so that none of the enemy perceived him.

I met with this Instance in the History of the Revolutions in Portugal, written by the Abbot de Vertot.

A graded series of interconnected general forces mediate between the logical Idea and the individual thinkerthe spirit of the people, of the age, of the thinker's vocation, of his time of life, which are felt by the individual as part of himself and whose impulses he unconsciously obeys.

I can tell the committee, that the people of our country are reduced to beggary by the taxes on negroes.

Hence it appears they might have lived happy, if not disturbed by the Europeans; more especially, if these last had used such endeavours as their christian profession requires, to communicate to the ignorant Africans that superior knowledge which Providence had favoured them with.

The well-known story told by the man who has once had a strange psychic experience.

It was even irreverentlike one of those medieval pictures of a monk changed into a beast by the ministrations of Satan.

For the reasons given, I venture to submit that the difficulties and dangers I have mentioned will be largely reduced, if not wholly overcome, by the use of the fire-damp detecter.

The method followed in experiment was as follows: The fire was started half an hour before, and by the time everything was ready the gauge would show 40 or 50 pounds of steam.

A VIRGIN'S SACRIFICE, a photoplay in five reels by the Vitagraph Company of America.

Prepared by Daniel W. Crockett, assisted by the publishers editorial staff.

A dalesman's voice; such a voice as the lonely land fashions sometimes for its own delight, drawling and tender, hushed by the hills and charged with the infinite, mysterious sadness of their beauty.

A term used by the Druids to designate an unhallowed circumambulation around the sacred cairn, or altar, the movement being against the sun, that is, from west to east by the north, the cairn being on the left hand of the circumambulator.

The five members of this court, who are sometimes referred to as arbitrators, and sometimes as commissioners, had entire control of all matters affecting the common weal; and all affairs in controversy were settled by the decision of a majority.

His discourses were not only less attractive than those of Dr. Newman, but always much longer, and the result of this was that the learned Canon of Christ Church generally made me late for dinner at my College, a calamity never inflicted on his All Souls' hearers by the terser and swifter fellow of Oriel whom he was replacing.

HOLY FAIR, a rural celebration of the Communion once common in Scotland, attended not only by the people of the parish, but by large numbers of strangers from far and near; described by Burns.

Scarcely had they closed behind the pair when Miss Porter ran to the spot vacated by the woman.

And Naomi, who was some years older, and had had her own sad experience, guessed perhaps at one cause for her agitation, and spared her inquiries, though as Anne, tired out by the long day, and forced by their close quarters to keep herself still, dropped asleep, strange mutterings fell from her lips about "The vaultthe bloodcome back.

162012 examples of  by the  in sentences